Email Notifications Troubleshooting Guide Follow
Email Notifications Troubleshooting Guide
The LeanData Router has options in many nodes to send out notifications for the success or failure of the node. If you are encountering issues with the email notifications, you can use the following steps to troubleshoot the issue.
- Check the node with the expected email notification to ensure the user is one of the recipients. Make sure there are no invalid emails listed.
- Check if the LeanData integration user has permission to send out email notification within Salesforce. Here is a link to a Salesforce article that may be useful:
- Check within LeanData Audit log to ensure routing error is not generated upon routing the record.
- Request an email log within Salesforce to further troubleshoot. Within the Email log, check if any emails were sent out by the LeanData integration user to the expected email recipients at the time of record processing time. Here’s the link to an article that may be useful:
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