Setting Up Form Field Mappings in Hubspot Follow
This guide will show you how to specify your form field API mappings to map values from entries in your form to variables that can be used in logic in your graph.
This will be configured in the trigger node of your BookIt For Forms router graph.
The “Form Field API Names” in this case are Contact/Company Property names in your HubSpot form builder with one small but very important change.
If it is a Company property, you must insert a ‘0-2/’ before the property name. If it is a Contact Property, you may leave it as is.
Let’s take a look at an example:
Say you have the following form field shown below
This is a Contact Property field, so this will be entered in a “Form Field API Name” mapping as just “email”.
For the following form field, however:
This is a Customer Property field, so this will be entered in a “Form Field API Name” mapping as just “0-2/annualrevenue”.
In each mapping you can either select a mapping to one of the default variable options if available, or define your own variable name and type otherwise.