Matching - Tagging Logs Follow
The Tagging Logs feature will allow LeanData Admins to review the results of LeanData Tagging and understand why certain Accounts were matched or not matched. This includes understanding which Accounts may have been filtered or prioritized due to specific Tagging filters or tiebreakers. This allows admins to easily review Tagging logic and make corresponding adjustments to customize Tagging for their organization.
The Tagging Logs will also enable admins to identify any records with Tagging failures for troubleshooting purposes.
Example: Ben is the LeanData Admin at MetricSilo Inc. A sales rep shows him a Lead that should have matched to a particular Account, but LeanData has not tagged it. Ben uses the Tagging Logs feature to download the past week's Tagging Logs and discovers there is an old validation rule that prevented the tagging. He goes into his Salesforce settings to update the validation rule.
Enabling Tagging Logs
Tagging Logs are turned off by default, so must be enabled before they will begin to capture data. Tagging Logs will capture data moving forward from the date of enablement, and will not retroactively include any Logs prior the date of enablement.
To enable Tagging Logs, Navigate to the LeanData app, then Admin > Settings > Reporting.
On the Reporting tab on the Admin Settings page, toggle the Tagging Logs feature to On.
In the Tagging Log Retention setting, define the length of time that LeanData will keep Tagging Logs. Setting a longer retention time will ensure that Logs are kept longer before being discarded.
Note: LeanData Tagging Logs are stored in your Salesforce instance in the object Tagging_log__c and will count against any storage limits you have, so please keep that in mind when deciding how long to keep your Tagging Logs.
Downloading Tagging Logs
To download Tagging Logs, from the LeanData app, navigate to Matching → Tagging Settings.
In the Tagging Logs section, set a date range from which you would like to download logs using the Log Date Range setting. You will only be able to download logs that were generated within the Tagging Log Retention time frame.
Once you have defined your Log Date Range, click the Download Logs button and you will be able to save a CSV file containing Tagging Logs from that date range.
Tagging Logs CSV & Fields
The CSV file you download will contain one row for each Tagging log that was processed during the date range you specified. It will contain columns showing the Lead information, Matched Account information, the relevant filters and tiebreakers as well as the Tagging outcome, triggers, and error details.
Lead Fields Section
- Lead ID
- Name
- Street
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Country
- Website
- Phone
- Company
- Filters
- Tiebreaker Field Values
- Displays all Tiebreaker field values for the Lead
Account Fields Section
- Account ID
- Name
- Billing Street
- Billing City
- Billing State
- Billing Postal Code
- Billing Country
- Website
- Phone
- Filters
- Tiebreaker Field Values
- Displays all Tiebreaker field values for the Account
Filters & Tiebreakers / Tagging Outcomes
Filters & Tiebreakers section
- Filter Rules
- Tiebreaker Rules
- Displays the customer configured Filters & Tiebreaker Rules
Tagging Outcome section
- Date
- Outcome
- Tagged
- Untagged
- No Action
- Error
- Error Details
- Tagging Trigger
- One-Time Tagging Job
- Insert
- Update
- Matched Account Update