LeanData Integration - G2-LeanData Integration Guide

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An ongoing record of your profile visits can provide you with actionable insights on prospects, but strategically utilizing the data to provide your reps with context and fuel sales conversations can be a challenge. 

LeanData’s integration with G2 will help automate this process and improve the accuracy of the matches by up to 80% by leveraging LeanData's best in class fuzzy matching algorithm.  After G2 provides you with a list of visitors, you’ll want to see which visitors are new prospects and which are already prospects or customers. The G2-LeanData integration will use LeanData's Matching API to automatically check if any of the visitors have existing Accounts in your CRM and update the G2 Buyer Intent report in Salesforce, enabling you to take the best steps forward to engage the right customers.

This integration is only available to joint customers of G2 and LeanData.


How it Works

  1. An anonymous visitor views your product page on G2
  2. G2 defines the visitor’s company information in the Buyer Intent report
  3. LeanData utilizes its industry-leading fuzzy matching algorithm to auto-match the identification information with an existing Account in your CRM
    1. Further workflows can then be configured in LeanData, such as Lead and Account routing, notifications to the record owners based off of visits 

G2 Buyer Intent Report prior to LeanData integration


G2 Buyer Intent Report with the LeanData integration: auto-mapping of Buyer Intent companies to existing Accounts


Getting Started with the G2-LeanData Integration

  1. Authenticate with G2 and LeanData
    • The API requires an authentication token for access. Check with your System Admin to verify that G2 and LeanData have authenticated tokens. If not: 
      • For G2, reach out to sfdcconnector@g2crowd.com for installation information. 
      • For LeanData, click into the LeanData Tab and click the Authorization button.
  2.  Contact LeanData and G2 at G2Crowd@leandatainc.com 
    • Use the subject: "Provision G2-LeanData Integration"
    • Provide your Salesforce Instance ID
    • Determine the Profile of the User who connected the API in G2’s initial installation process
  1. Understand the limits
    • Up to 10 calls per second of prolonged activity is within limits
    • Up to 100 calls per second of burst activity is within limits
    • The average response time  is ~1 second
    • Salesforce limits the API calls per 24-hour period.  
      • If you know your Salesforce edition, view your organization’s API limit here.
      • If not, check Salesforce > Setup > Company Information > API Requests


About G2

G2 is a peer-to-peer business solutions review platform with a focus on empowering business buying decisions by highlighting the voice of the customer. 

About LeanData

LeanData aligns marketing and sales with accurate matching, routing, and trustworthy attribution, so that sales reps only get leads, contacts, accounts, and opportunities they need to work on to close more deals and drive more revenue, faster. 

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