LeanData Processing - Real-Time Routing vs CCIO Batch Processing

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Real-Time Routing allows LeanData to process your records in your Salesforce triggers rather than in asynchronous batches when possible. This can drastically speed up LeanData processing for many of your records. Once enabled, records will be tagged and routed instantaneously at the moment of the triggering event (insert or update) when possible. Transactions that cannot be processed in this manner will automatically fall back to asynchronous processing to be completed in an upcoming LeanData Continuous Clean Batch. Once enabled, you do not need to make any further changes or updates to your configuration to take advantage of Real-Time Routing.

Please Note: Records Routed via Real-Time Routing will be modified by the User who initiated the triggering action, NOT the LeanData Integration User. Records routed by CCIO Batch Processing will be modified by the LeanData Integration User. If you would like to prevent certain Users from initiating Real-Time Routing, please see Disabling Real-Time Routing for Users/Profiles below.


Benefits of Real-Time Routing

  • Increased Speed to Lead. Instantaneous routing will reach reps' hands accurately and with more speed than ever before.
  • Existing FlowBuilder graphs can be leveraged for instantaneous routing, including routing to territories, routing to matched Accounts, and most other routing actions
  • Other Routing features like Audit Logs and Routing Insights are supported for Real-Time Routed records as well.
  • Customers with larger routing volume can expect significantly reduced LeanData processing times overall, as some of the processing load will be handled instantly, reducing the number of records needing to be batched.


How it Works

When Real-Time Routing is enabled, when records meet your LeanData triggering conditions (Entry nodes, Tagging triggers), LeanData will attempt to process these records instantaneously with Real-Time Routing. For those that cannot be routed via Real-Time Routing due to processing constraints (require more Apex CPU bandwidth than is available), a CCIO will be created and designated for asynchronous batch processing via LeanData's Continuous Clean Batch job. 

If Real-Time Routing is NOT enabled, all records will be processed via LeanData's Continuous Clean Batch Job.


Which Records will be Processed with Real-Time Routing?

Individually inserted or updated records are eligible to be processed using Real-Time Routing. Bulk insertions or updates are not supported at this time and will fall back to batch processing (CCIOs).

Please note: Just because a record is eligible to be processed with Real-Time Routing, does not mean that it will be processed in this way. Other factors, including what other processes are running in-trigger in your Salesforce instance will affect whether LeanData can process records with Real-Time Routing.


Which LeanData Features Support Real-Time Routing?

Real-Time Routing supports many LeanData features including the following:

  • Tagging
  • Matching 
    • All Match Nodes Across all objects
  • Routing
    • All Route or Assign Nodes across all objects, including Territory Management, Round Robin, Assign Owner, etc.
    • Custom Objects you are routing with Any Object Routing are also supported.

Although these functions are eligible for Real-Time Routing, many factors will determine whether a record will be processed with Real-Time Routing or with batch processing.


Which records will always fall back to batch processing (CCIOs)?

Some records will not be eligible for Real-Time Routing, and will always default to batch processing, including the following:

  • Records that are bulk inserted/updated above your thresholds.
  • Records that arrive at any “Create” Action Nodes, such as Create Account, Create Opportunity, or Create Task
  • Records that arrive at a Convert Lead Node.
  • Records arrive at Duplicate Merging Nodes.
  • Any actions that encounter exceptions or errors.
  • Recursive Routing (routing that is initiated by LeanData changes)


Enabling Real-Time Routing

By default, Real-Time Routing is not enabled in LeanData. To enable it, navigate to the LeanData Dashboard > Admin > Settings > Advanced > Real-Time Routing & Tagging > Edit Settings.


Once on the Settings page, you can configure which Objects and trigger types you would like to enable Real-Time Routing for. You can also designate a threshold for each Real-Time Routing Trigger option.


Object - which objects should initiate Real-Time Routing. All your purchased Router Objects, plus any additional Triggering objects (i.e. Campaign Member) will be available. If you have enabled Any Object Routing, you will also see them listed below the standard objects on this page.


Trigger Types 

  • New Records - Enable Real-Time Routing when records are created or inserted
  • Updated Records - Enable Real-Time Routing as records are updated to meet your Update Entry conditions (e.g. Updated Lead Entry Node)

Routing Threshold - determines how many records are processed at a time in Real-Time Routing. The default and recommended value is 5. The higher the value, the higher the chance of timeouts during processing. If you experience Apex CPU timeouts, adjust the threshold lower.


Other Real-Time Routing Considerations

User of Record / Modified By User:

Records qualified for Real-Time Routing will display as “Modified By” the User who triggered routing, NOT the LeanData Integration User.

Records processed through batch processing (CCIOs) will display as “Modified By” the LeanData Integration User.

If you would like to prevent certain Users or Profiles from initiating Real-Time Routing, please see Disabling Real-Time Routing for Users/Profiles below.


API Usage

Real-Time Routing will have no impact on your API usage.


LeanData Partner Integrations

While LeanData will execute actions instantaneously on records processed via Real-Time Routing, any actions taken via API / or integration will be subject to the time it takes to call the integration.


Audit Logs

If a record was instantly routed, the Audit Log for the record will have an icon indicating it was routed via Real-Time Routing



Disabling Real-Time Routing for Users/Profiles

Real-Time Routing uses the access of the User who is creating or editing the record that triggers routing. If this User does not have permission to edit Owner / User fields, LeanData will still attempt to route in real-time then fall back to CCIO batch processing, which utilizes the User you have designated as the ​​LeanData Integration User.

To disable Real-Time Routing (as in LeanData will not attempt Real-Time Routing) either at a User level, Profile level or at an Org level, follow the steps below:

In order to disable Real-Time Routing, you will need to create Trigger Settings and then assign them - either at a User level, Profile level, or an Org Level. If Users have more than one level of Trigger Settings applied to them, the most fine-grained level of settings will be respected. If a User does not have a setting applied to them, you can assume that it is enabled for that User.


  User-Level Profile-Level Org-Level Outcome
User A Enabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
User B None Disabled Enabled Disabled
User C None None Disabled Disabled
User D None None None Enabled


  1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Custom Settings > Real-Time Routing Setting > Manage


  1. To enable or disable Real-Time Routing at the Profile or User level, click the New Button by the individual User / Profile settings lower on the page


The New Button at the top is for Org-level settings which can be controlled by the UI in LeanData’s Admin > Advanced > Real-Time Routing Settings page.  All objects available for Real-Time Routing will be listed here. 

  1. On the next page, enter "0" for each object trigger you would like to disable Real-Time Routing for. If you are configuring at the User or Profile level, you will have to first select the User or Profile for which you would like to configure settings for. 


  1. Click Save when you are done.

For questions or additional assistance please contact LeanData Support.



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