Routing - Campaign Member-Based Routing

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Campaign Member-Based Routing allows you to initiate LeanData Routing and make routing decisions based off of fields on the Campaign Member Object. All specific examples used will assume you are using Lead Router, but Campaign Member-Based Routing is available in both Lead and Contact Router. 


Example: Kevin is the LeanData Admin for OnPoint Communications. He is currently building their Lead Router Flow. He would like to initiate the routing of Leads when their Campaign Member Status changes on a recent strategic Campaign. He adds the Updated Campaign Member Entry Node into his Flowbuilder Graph and specifies the conditions that will trigger Lead routing from a Campaign Member Status change.


Campaign Member Entry Nodes

There are two entry nodes that will allow you to initiate routing from the Campaign Member object.

  1. New Campaign Member
  2. Updated Campaign Member


Unlike the default entry nodes, these will initiate routing from a different object (Campaign Member) than the one being routed (Lead or Contact). These can be added from the Node Bar as needed. They can also be deleted if you no longer need them.


New Campaign Member Entry Node

If you need to initiate routing when a record is added to a new Campaign, you can use the New Campaign Member Entry Node.

This field is not required but we recommend adding a description to document any customizations made to the node. If someone else needs to take over the management of the graph, they will be able to understand the goal of the customizations.

Specify Leads to Route

This setting allows you to choose which Leads will be included and pass to the rest of the graph.

  • All Leads with New Campaign Members: Send all Leads with new Campaign Members through the routing graph.
  • Leads with New Campaign Members meeting the following conditions: Use filters on Campaign Member fields/values to specify which new records to route through the graph. This option will be selected by default.

Please Note: if you would not like to route records based on new Campaign membership, you can delete this entry node entirely.


Trigger Rules

If you choose to filter the records coming through the New Campaign Member Entry Node, you can add rules that will define the conditions that will trigger records to be routed. You can create multiple rules by clicking the Add Trigger Rule button and direct them to the path you would like them to proceed. Each rule and its associated outcome is called an "Edge".

When using multiple rules, the node will process each rule sequentially from top to bottom until the record meets a rule, and then it will direct the record using the edge for the corresponding rule. If a record satisfies multiple rules, it will follow the edge for the top-most rule. You can re-order the rules using the drag handles to the left.


When creating your Trigger Rules, you will see the following options:

  • Condition
    The Condition is used to set up the desired filters or triggers. Records meeting these conditions will proceed to the next node specified as the Target.
  • Label
    The Label is used to let you name the connection to the next node that the record will follow from the New Campaign Member Trigger Node. This label can be renamed.
  • Target
    Target gives you a drop-down menu of the other nodes in the graph. Selecting a node from this dropdown will indicate which node a record should progress to next, assuming it meets the conditions for this edge. You can also select “End of Flow” or use the stop sign icon if you don’t wish to direct this to any node. As you create other nodes, they will appear on this list.

Within each Triggering rule, you will see two sections: 

1) Which Campaigns and Leads do you want to include?

2) Which Campaign Members should trigger Lead Routing?


1) Which Campaigns and Leads do you want to include?

You will first define which Campaigns are eligible for its Members to initiate routing. You can select either All Campaigns, or Campaigns meeting these conditions


If you select All Campaigns, all Campaigns will be eligible for its Members to initiate routing through this edge.

If you select Campaigns meeting these conditions, you can specify specific criteria to identify which Campaigns should be eligible for its Members to initiate routing through this entry edge. This is the option that will be selected by default, and a few recommended fields will be populated by default. 

To add additional conditions, click the Add Condition button. When you have a rule with multiple conditions you are given the option to specify the relationship between the conditions with AND/OR statements in the Rule Logic section. You can also use parentheses to group conditions together.

You are encouraged to customize your conditions to ensure that only the eligible Campaigns' Members can trigger routing.

You will also define which Leads are eligible to be routed through this edge. You can select either All Leads, or Leads meeting these conditions


If you select All Leads, all Leads will be eligible to be triggered through this edge.

If you select Leads meeting these conditions, you can specify specific criteria to identify which Leads should be eligible to be routed through this entry edge. This is the option that will be selected by default, and a few recommended fields will be populated by default. 

To add additional conditions, click the Add Condition button. When you have a rule with multiple conditions you are given the option to specify the relationship between the conditions with AND/OR statements in the Rule Logic section. You can also use parentheses to group conditions together.

You are encouraged to customize your conditions to ensure that only the records you want routed in this manner will be eligible. 


2) Which Campaign Members should trigger Lead Routing?


Under Which Campaign Members should Trigger Lead Routing, you will specify what criteria new Campaign Members must meet in order to trigger routing for their associated object through this specific edge. You must specify Campaign Member criteria in order to use this node.

To add additional conditions, click the Add Trigger Condition button. When you have a rule with multiple conditions you are given the option to specify the relationship between the conditions with AND/OR statements in the Rule Logic section. You can also use parentheses to group conditions together.

In order to prevent unintentionally triggered routing, you are encouraged to use strict Campaign Member triggering criteria to ensure that only specific Campaign Members will trigger routing.


Updated Campaign Member Entry Node

If you need to initiate routing when a record’s existing Campaign Member record is updated, you can use the Updated Campaign Member Entry Node.

This field is not required but we recommend adding a description to document any customizations made to the node. If someone else needs to take over the management of the graph, they will be able to understand the goal of the customizations.

Trigger Rules

You will need to define conditions that would initiate routing through the Updated Campaign Member Entry Node. You will add rules that will define the conditions that will trigger records to be routed. You can create multiple rules by clicking the Add Trigger Rule button and direct them to the path you would like them to proceed. Each rule and its associated outcome is called an "Edge".

When using multiple rules, the node will process each rule sequentially from top to bottom until the record meets a rule, and then it will direct the record using the edge for the corresponding rule. If a record satisfies multiple rules, it will follow the edge for the top-most rule. You can re-order the rules using the drag handles to the left.


When creating your Trigger Rules, you will see the following options:

  • Condition
    The Condition is used to set up the desired filters or triggers. Records meeting these conditions will proceed to the next node specified as the Target.
  • Label
    The Label is used to let you name the connection to the next node that the record will follow from the Updated Campaign Member Trigger Node. This label can be renamed.
  • Target
    Target gives you a drop-down menu of the other nodes in the graph. Selecting a node from this dropdown will indicate which node a record should progress to next, assuming it meets the conditions for this edge. You can also select “End of Flow” or use the stop sign icon if you don’t wish to direct this to any node. As you create other nodes, they will appear on this list.

Within each Triggering rule, you will see two sections: 

1) Which Campaigns and Leads do you want to include?

2) Which Campaign Member updates should trigger Lead Routing?


1) Which Campaigns and Leads do you want to include?

You will first define which Campaigns are eligible for its Members to initiate routing. You can select either All Campaigns, or Campaigns meeting these conditions


If you select All Campaigns, all Campaigns will be eligible for its Members to initiate routing through this edge.

If you select Campaigns meeting these conditions, you can specify specific criteria to identify which Campaigns should be eligible for its Members to initiate routing through this entry edge. This is the option that will be selected by default, and a few recommended fields will be populated by default. 

To add additional conditions, click the Add Condition button. When you have a rule with multiple conditions you are given the option to specify the relationship between the conditions with AND/OR statements in the Rule Logic section. You can also use parentheses to group conditions together.

You are encouraged to customize your conditions to ensure that only the eligible Campaigns' Members can trigger routing.

You will also define which Leads are eligible to be routed through this edge. You can select either All Leads, or Leads meeting these conditions


If you select All Leads, all Leads will be eligible to be triggered through this edge.

If you select Leads meeting these conditions, you can specify specific criteria to identify which Leads should be eligible to be routed through this entry edge. This is the option that will be selected by default, and a few recommended fields will be populated by default. 

To add additional conditions, click the Add Condition button. When you have a rule with multiple conditions you are given the option to specify the relationship between the conditions with AND/OR statements in the Rule Logic section. You can also use parentheses to group conditions together.

You are encouraged to customize your conditions to ensure that only the records you want routed in this manner will be eligible. 


2) Which Campaign Member Updates should trigger Lead Routing?

Under Which Campaign Member updates should Trigger Lead Routing, you will specify what updated criteria a Campaign Member must meet in order to trigger routing through this edge for its associated object. Campaign Members that are updated to subsequently meet these conditions will initiate routing on the eligible Leads.

To add additional conditions, click the Add Trigger Condition button. When you have a rule with multiple conditions you are given the option to specify the relationship between the conditions with AND/OR statements in the Rule Logic section. You can also use parentheses to group conditions together.

In order to prevent unintentionally triggered routing, you are encouraged to use strict Campaign Member triggering criteria to ensure that only specific Campaign Member updates will trigger routing.


Related Campaign Member Match Node

In addition to being able to trigger routing from Campaign Member criteria, you can also use the Related Campaign Member Match Node to identify one of the Campaign Members associated with the routed record or a previously matched record, and then subsequently use that related Campaign Member for routing decisions and actions.


Note: This match node may identify a Campaign Member different from the record that initiated routing. 

The Related Campaign Member (RCM) Match Node also includes filters and Tiebreakers to help you identify the best Campaign Member to match to if there are multiple potential Campaign Members.

Example: Kevin wants to route Leads that attended a recent strategic event to a followup team that has been specifically trained to sell to attendees of that event. He adds a Related Campaign Member (RCM) Match Node with a filter for that specific Campaign and routes Leads that have a match to a Round Robin Pool consisting of the followup team.



You have a number of options to configure the node.

Node Name

By default, the Node Name is set to Match Node. You can change this label to anything you need. We strongly recommend giving this node a meaningful name such as the goal of the Match Node or simply Match Related Campaign Member. This will help others understand the purpose of the node. 

This field is not required but we recommend adding a description to document any customizations made to the node. If someone else needs to take over the management of the flow, the description will help them to understand the goal of the customizations.

Campaign Members

Use the Campaign Members section to pick which object to find the Campaign Member you wish to reference for the match node. The options include the routed record itself (Lead/Contact) and Matched Object (Related Lead, Duplicate Lead, or Duplicate Contact).


Use the Lead option to reference a Campaign Member related to the routed record itself.

Matched Object

If you have previously matched to another object like a related Lead or duplicate Lead/ Contact, you can select Matched Object and then the object type. This will configure the Match Node to look at Campaign Members on the selected Object. This option will not be selectable if you have not previously found a compatible matched object in your graph.


Filter Matched Campaign Members

Use Filters to include or exclude Campaign Members when identifying the best match. In our example, we are excluding Campaign Members found on Email Campaigns.



The Value/Field selector lets you choose between filtering for a value in a field on the Campaign Member Record and comparing a field on the Campaign Member with a field on the routed record.

For each condition you add, you will see:

  • Matched Campaign Member Field: The Field selector will give you a list of all the fields on the Campaign Member record that you are filtering.
  • Operator: The Operator gives you a condition to apply to the field for the decision. (Example: Contains, does not contain, starts with, is null, etc). The values in the Operator selection change depending on the field selected.
  • Value/Field: The Value is the value you are evaluating against in your selected field. If you select Field for Value/Field, you will be able to choose a field on the routed record to make a comparison.

You can add as many conditions as needed to create the desired Filters.

Working with Multiple Conditions

When you edit or add rules, you can have multiple conditions.  When you have a rule with multiple conditions you are given the option to specify the relationship between the conditions. By default, you will see an AND relationship. You can change this to OR as needed. You can also use parentheses to group conditions together. Example: ((1 AND 2) OR 3).


Prioritize Matched Campaign Members

In the Prioritize Matched Campaign Members section, you will see a list of rules called Tiebreakers. These rules are applied after filters if there are multiple Campaign Members that can match to the routed record. Tiebreaker rules are processed from the top down and are used to narrow the pool of possible Campaign Members down to the best match. The node will check each rule, one at a time, from top to bottom, until only one remaining potential Campaign Member remains. This Campaign Member will be selected as the best match. The Related Campaign Member (RCM) Match Node includes a set of default Tiebreaker rules. You have the following options to modify the Tiebreakers:

  • Edit the existing rules
  • Add/remove rules
  • Change the order of the rules


Editing a Rule

To edit a rule, simply click in the rule to open it for editing. You will see the same options as in the Filters.


Adding a Rule

If you choose to add a custom Tie-Breaker Prioritization Rule, click New Rule. There are three rule types; LOGIC, SOQL, MIN MAX.

LOGIC - When configuring a new logic rule, you can use a Field or Field Value from the related Campaign Member level. This works the same as adding Filters

SOQL - You can use a SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) string here. More Info

MIN MAX - The field you are choosing is the related Campaign Member level field. Set the Operator to either Min or Max. Min meaning the lowest possible value and max being the highest. For Date and Time fields, Min equals the oldest date and Max equals the newest date. When applied to time MIN is the oldest time and MAX is the most recent or further into the future.

For example, Mel the LeanData Admin wants to build a tiebreaker rule that will look for the related Campaign Member with the Min (oldest) created Date. She sets the related Campaign Member Created Date to MIN to ensure the tiebreaker looks for the oldest related Campaign Member that matches.


Advanced Settings

Under Advanced Settings there are options for setting the targets for the node edges.

Node Edges

There are 3 exit edges from a Match Node. Under the Advanced settings you can select a target node for each of the edges for what you would like LeanData to do in each of these scenarios.

Match: LeanData has identified a best match based on the algorithm, after applying your Tiebreakers and Filters.

No Match: LeanData has not identified a match, after considering your Filters.

Multiple Matches Identified: If LeanData has more than one match remaining after your Filters, and you would like to take a different action than identify one best match, you can direct this edge to your desired action. This option is disabled by default. Upon enabling, you will also have to remove any Min/Max tiebreakers.


Working with Edges

You can Connect nodes in one of several ways:

  1. Open a node and select the Target through the dropdown next to the condition or outcome you wish to assign. Use the search functionality to narrow the scope of the results. If you want Lead processing to stop at your selected node, simply select End of Flow


Alternatively you can click the Stop Sign icon to set a particular edge to End of Flow, or click the crosshairs icon to assign that edge visually on the main flowchart graph view by clicking the node to which you would like that edge to proceed.


  1. If you are already in the main flowchart graph view, you can click on the yellow triangle and drag the edge you wish to direct to the next node to which you would like that edge to proceed.


Related Campaign Member Decision Nodes

As with other objects, you can use decision nodes to make routing decisions based on criteria from either the Campaign Member that initiated routing, or the Campaign Member that was identified as the best match in the Related Campaign Member (RCM) Match Node.

You have the option of using both the True-False Decision Node or Branch Decision Node, but we will focus on the Branch Decision Node here.


You have a number of options to configure the node.

Node Name 

By default, the Node Name is set to Branch. You can change this label to anything you need. We strongly recommend giving this node a meaningful name such as the subject of the decision. This will help others understand the purpose of the node. 


This field is not required but we recommend adding a description to document any customizations made to the node. If someone else needs to take over the management of the flow, the description will help them to understand the goal of the customizations.

Select Items to Compare

The settings in this section set up how the node will make decisions.

Item 1 is used to select either the Matched Campaign Member variable saved by the Related Campaign Member Match Node or another saved Variable as needed. To select another Variable, simply click on the picklist and select any Variable that has been saved in the Graph.

Item 2 is used to indicate that Lead is pre-selected for the comparison.


The settings in this section set up the conditions the node will use to route the record.


The Branch node includes 1 rule by default. You can edit this rule with 1 or more conditions to help route your records. Click on Edit Condition to create logic for this edge.

Default Edge

The Default Edge on the Branch node is designed to give your records a path, if they do not meet any of the rules/edges of the node. This edge is set to End of Flow by default, but you can connect it to another node if needed. 

New Rule

The New Rule option lets you create as many additional rules and conditions as needed for the Branch Logic.


Route to Matched Campaign Member Node

You can perform actions on the routed record based on information from the Related Campaign Member that was identified in the Related Campaign Member (RCM) Match Node.


You have a number of options to configure this node.

Node Name

By default, the Node Name is set to Route to Matched Campaign Member. You can change this label to anything you need. We strongly recommend giving this node a meaningful name such as the subject of the assignment.

This field is not required but we recommend adding a description to document any customizations made to the node. If someone else needs to take over the management of the flow, the description will help them to understand the goal of the customizations.

Campaign Member Selection
Use this section to select a Variable for the Matched Campaign Member. By default the Variable saved in the Related Campaign Member Match Node is selected. If you need to select another saved Variable, click into the field to search.


Lead Ownership

The Lead Ownership Section has options for assigning the owner to the routed record.

  • Matched Campaign Member’s Campaign Owner: This option lets you select the owner of the associated Campaign as the owner of the routed record.
  • Matched Campaign Member Custom User Field: This option tells the Router Flow to use a specific User Look-up field on the matched Campaign Member record as the source of the owner information. Use the drop-down menu to select the desired field.


Routing Schedule

The Routing Schedule section gives you options on how to honor user schedules. You can configure each node to honor all schedule types or any combination as needed.


Alternate Field Assignment

This Option will tell LeanData to update another field on your routed record instead of updating the Owner field on the routed record. 

  • Assign Alternate Field Instead of Owner: When you select this option you will see a drop-down menu to select the target field.


Please Note: In order to use the Alternate Field Assignment, you must select the person to populate the Alternate Field from the Lead Ownership settings.

Email Notifications

The email notifications allow you to configure how the Route to Matched Campaign Member node can notify Users of either a successful owner assignment or a failure. You can select a list of recipients and either an existing Salesforce email template or build your own message in the node. 

  • Success Notifications: Use these settings Users to send a message that the Owner assignment was successful. Use the Message section to build the message.
    • Use the Recipients section to pick the desired recipients of the notification.
      • New Owner - This option will send the notification to the new owner of the record.
      • Previous Owner - This option will send the notification to the previous owner of the record.
      • Email Addresses - This option will let you enter additional email addresses separated by a comma.
      • Matched Object - This option lets you send the notification to a User on the matched record if the record has been previously matched in the Router flow.
      • Additional Recipients - This option lets you send the notification to a User on routed record or matched record (if there is one previously matched in the flow).
  • Failure Notifications: Use these settings to enter emails for Users to send a message that the Owner assignment was not successful.
    • Use the Email Recipients section to pick the desired recipients of the notification.
      • Email Addresses - This option will let you enter additional email addresses separated by a comma.


The Message section allows you to configure how the Node sends email notifications. You select your recipients and then build your message. You have 2 options for creating the email notification:

  • Email Template - Use the email template option to select from your existing email templates in Salesforce.
  • Compose Email - Use the compose email option to build an email notification using field(s) from the Owner, Routed Record, or a link to the audit log for the routed record.

Email Template

When you select the Email Template option, you will be asked to select the desired Salesforce Template. You cannot edit the message in LeanData. You can use the View Template link to view the selected template.


Compose Email

The Compose Email option allows you to create a new email message in the node. Use the Insert a Field picklist to add fields from the routed record to the message. 


Use the Insert Relative Date to add the date the record was routed or a set number of days after the date the record was routed.


Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings section gives you fallback options for the routed records and the ability to send the record to the next node of the flow as needed. 

  • Invalid/Inactive User: This is a fallback condition in the event that the selected User is not active or invalid at the time of the routing. By default this will be set to End of Flow.
  • Out of User Schedule: This edge is used if the selected user is not scheduled to accept Leads at the time of routing. This edge is only displayed when the Respect User Schedule options are selected.
  • Record Already Assigned to Owner: This edge can be used if the routed record is already assigned to the Owner it matched to. Use this edge if you want to route records differently that are already assigned to the correct owner, to another node like Send Notification for a tailored message to the owner. The Target for this edge is set to <Disabled> by default. Setting a Target node will route the record to the node. If you would prefer that LeanData take no action, this fallback edge can be directed to the End of Flow option.
  • No Object Variable: This edge is used when the Variable selected in the node is no longer valid at time of routing. This can be caused by the Variable being deleted.
  • Next Node: This option allows the record to be routed to another node in the Router Flow after the owner has been assigned. This can include things like Converting the Lead into a contact, updating a different field on the Lead, etc. You can also set this node to End of Flow. This will stop routing records at this node instead of sending it to another node.

Working with Edges

You can Connect nodes in one of several ways:

  1. Open a node and select the Target through the dropdown next to the condition or outcome you wish to assign. Use the search functionality to narrow the scope of the results. If you want Lead processing to stop at your selected node, simply select End of Flow


Alternatively you can click the Stop Sign icon to set a particular edge to End of Flow, or click the crosshairs icon to assign that edge visually on the main flowchart graph view by clicking the node to which you would like that edge to proceed.


  1. If you are already in the main flowchart graph view, you can click on the yellow triangle and drag the edge you wish to direct to the next node to which you would like that edge to proceed.



Campaign Member-Based Routing will allow you to leverage information from the Campaign Member object to initiate, match, decide, and take action on your records, further enabling what you can do with your routing.

For more information on working with router graphs please see our Lead Routing Guide.




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