Routing Preview Guide

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After creating a graph with FlowBuilder, LeanData Admins often want to test their graph without actually creating test records or modifying existing records in Salesforce.  Routing Preview will allow LeanData Admins to simulate sending a test record through their graph logic from within the Graph Editor, previewing the path and outcome of its journey through the graph, all in one seamless experience.


How to Access Routing Preview

From within the Graph Editor interface of a FlowBuilder graph, on the floating menu on the upper left, click on the Flask icon.

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This will open up a drawer containing the Routing Preview interface.


Configuring a Routing Preview Test

Selecting a Trigger Node and Edge

From within the Routing Preview interface, select a Trigger node. You will only be able to select from the Trigger Nodes you have used in your graph. 

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Once you have selected a Trigger Node, you have the option to either Evaluate the Trigger Conditions or Select the Entry Edge you would like to use:

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 3.03.54 PM.png

  • Evaluate the Trigger Conditions - This option will send the record through the edge that it satisfies from the selected Trigger Node. This option is only available if you have specified conditions in the New {Object} or Updated {Object} Trigger Nodes.
    • If using the Updated {Object} Trigger node, you must later indicate which fields are updated and the updated value in order to simulate an updated record.
  • Select the Entry Edge - Any valid and connected entry nodes from any Trigger nodes can be selected as the starting point for Routing Preview. If using this option, Routing Preview will begin evaluating the record as if it entered through the selected edge, even if it does not meet the conditions of that edge.


Configuring a Test Record

Routing Preview requires you first identify a test record you would like to use. You can later simulate different values in fields referenced in your Routing graph to test different paths, but you must first select a record to use as the starting point. 

In the Test Record section, by Existing {Object}, enter the 15 or 18 digit Salesforce ID for the record you wish to use as the test record. This record will only be used for testing purposes, and no changes will be committed to Salesforce when the record is tested through Routing Preview. Click Get Record Values after entering the Salesforce ID.

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A section will appear below that pulls in all the fields that are referenced. If you had selected the Evaluate the Trigger Conditions option from the Updated {Object} Trigger Node above, you will also have to configure the Updated {Object} Trigger Condition Fields section. 


Updated {Object} Trigger Condition Fields

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 3.36.15 PM.png

Here you will input what you would like to simulate on the test record. You will have to supply a pre-trigger value (what is on the record before the triggering update) and the resulting value after the update. This is how LeanData will know which entry edge to follow in your Updated Object Trigger Node. You will not see this section if you did not select the Evaluate the Trigger Conditions from the Updated {Object} Trigger Node in the Trigger Node section above.


{Object} Fields

In the {Object} Fields section, you will be able to configure your simulated test record and specify what the values will be in the relevant fields on this record. This will allow you to test how a record would be routed if given different values.

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If you would rather supply all new values to these fields rather than use the values currently on the test record, you can click Clear All Values and start from scratch.

Once you have completed entering the values for your simulated record, click the Run Test button.

Please Note: The test will be run as if the User running the test is performing the actions. Please ensure that the User running the test has access to all the fields referenced in the graph.


Routing Preview Results

The results of your Routing Preview will display in an Audit Log format. For more information on how to interpret Audit Logs, please see the Audit Logs Guide.

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If you would like to open these logs in a separate browser tab, click the new tab icon next to the record name in the Record column.

If you would like to edit some of your test parameters and inputs and re-test, click the Edit & Re-run Test button at the bottom.


Routing Preview FAQs

If I want to test notifications, will notifications be sent when using Routing Preview?

  • Any LeanData notifications will be sent to the User who is running Routing Preview, not to the notification recipients specified in the graph.

Will Integrations Nodes work in Routing Preview?

  • No callouts will be made to any integrations. Integration nodes are not currently supported in Routing Preview.

Will Hold Until Nodes work in Routing Preview?

  • Routing Preview can only test and preview outcomes up to the point of a hold until node. Routing Preview cannot continue past a Hold Until Node.

For additional help and assistance, please submit a ticket to LeanData Support.

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