- Overview
- Purpose
- Building the Report
- Log Object Details
- Fields and Definitions
- Creating a Custom Log Report Type
- Adding Fields to your Report Type Layout
The LeanData Log custom object is used to store operational metrics and information regarding Routing and Tagging processing by LeanData. Much of the information used to populate LeanData Audit Logs for Routing is populated with data stored within the LeanData Log object.
You can download the LeanData Reports Managed Package here:
This report type includes all standard fields from the Lead, Contact, and Account objects. For Premium package customers, the Log custom object does capture information relating to Opportunity and Case routing, and the report type may be cloned and edited to include these fields. Additionally, customers are encouraged to create custom fields and leverage the Routing Metrics Mapping feature, which allows for mapping of custom object fields to the LeanData Log object.
Note that each Log ID indicates a separate instance of routing. Records processed through a Hold Until or Time-Based node would list separate Log IDs for route prior and after entry into hold. This can be verified via the Triggering Action column.
Building the Report
Each Report is built on top of a custom Report Type that is created when you download the Reports Managed Package. The custom Report Types are not editable, however the Reports themselves are. If you would like to build your own reports utilizing different fields, our recommendation is to clone the Report Type and pull the additional fields/objects you would like to reference.
Note: If a Report Type is cloned, this report will not be automatically updated when new managed package versions are released. In order to upgrade existing reports that have been edited, you will need to uninstall the Reports Managed package, delete the Managed Package field(s), and reinstall the Reports Managed Package.
To clone the managed package report types for customization, navigate to Salesforce Setup > Report Types. Click the report type you would like to clone. Within the Report Type Setup page, you will see a Clone button to clone the report type.
To create a new custom report type, navigate to Setup > Report Types. Select the New Custom Report Type button. From here, select the primary object of the report, for example, LeanData Logs. After selecting the primary object, you can then customize the layout of the report type, and add additional fields to the layout via Lookup. More guidance on creating report types can be found on the Object Reporting Guide.
Log Object Details
Report Name: LeanData Logs
Object(s): Log, Lead, Contact, Account
Description: The Log Object Report
The Log custom object (LeanData__Log__c) is installed as part of the main LeanData managed package. This object is used to store much of the information used to populate the Audit Logs within LeanData Routing. This object stores relevant information about routing such as Triggers, assignees, matches, actions taken, etc.
This report type includes all standard fields from the Lead, Contact, and Account objects. For Premium package customers, the Log custom object does capture information relating to Opportunity and Case routing, and the report type may be cloned and edited to include these fields. Additionally, customers are encouraged to create custom fields and leverage Routing Metrics Mapping to bring in additional custom data points to Log reports as needed.
In addition to the Lead, Contact, and Account objects, the Log object also has lookup relationships with the following objects: User, Round Robin Pool, and LD Territory Geo. These lookups provide the ability to incorporate LeanData Round Robin and Territory information into the Log report, as well as user data points such as Created By, Owner, Last Modified By, etc.
Fields & Definitions
See table for the default fields included in the managed package report:
Field Name | Description |
Processed At | (Date/Time) The time at which the record was routed/processed by LeanData |
Lead ID | (Lookup(Lead)) The ID of the routed Lead record |
Lead: Full Name | (Text) The Full Name of the routed Lead record |
Lead Status | (Picklist) The Status (default field) of the routed Lead record |
Matched Account Name | (Text) Name of LeanData Matched Account |
Converted Contact Name | (Text) Name of contact created as a result of Lead conversion by LeanData |
Converting Action | (Text) Specifies conversion action taken such as creating a new Account upon conversion by LeanData |
Contact ID | (Lookup(Contact)) The ID of the routed Contact record |
Contact: Full Name | (Text) The Full Name of the routed Contact record |
Account ID | (Lookup(Account)) The ID of the routed Account record |
Account: Account Name | (Text) The Name of the routed Account record |
Round Robin Pool Name | (Text) The name of the Round Robin Pool of which the routed record was assigned to |
Round Robin Pool (Alternate) Name | (Text) The name of the Round Robin Pool of which the routed record was assigned to in the case the primary RR pool field information was not populated due to multiple actions taking place during routing. |
Routing Action | (Picklist) Summarizes the primary actions taken in Router for this record. |
Territory Segment Name | (Text) The name of the Territory Segment of which the routed record was assigned |
Error Details | (Long Text Area) Details of error(s) that occurred during LeanData routing of record |
Triggering Action | (Text) Action that triggered record for routing in LeanData (e.g, RoutingInsert, RoutingUpdate) |
Trigger Edge | (Text) Edge Label name of triggered entry edge record used to enter graph |
Post Owner: Full Name | (Text) Full Name of record owner upon completion of LeanData routing of record |
Log ID | (Text) ID of Log record for routing |
Creating a Custom Log Report Type
- Navigate to Salesforce Setup
- Search & select Report Types on the left sidebar
- Locate the "LeanData Log Object" report type from the LeanData Reporting Managed Package
- Click the report type title
- In the report type overview page, click Clone
Steps 1-5
6. Name the cloned report type and Save
Step 6
Adding Fields to your Report Type Layout
Before creating your reports and dashboards, you will need to add your desired fields onto the Report Type Layout. After adding these fields, they can be used as filters, groups, or fields in the report output. By default, the LeanData Log object comes with a limited set of fields.
- Under Fields Available for Reports, click Edit Layout
(Optional) Click Create New Section
- This step is optional as it only helps with report/field organization
- The number of sections is dependent on the number of objects you plan to use
- After creating sections, find the View section on the right-hand side and click Add Fields Related via Lookup
- Select an object name, such as Lead, and pull in fields that will matter to your organization for reporting purposes. These fields are typically custom data points specific to your organization.
When you have finished adding fields from your different objects, click Save