Routing - Log Object Fields Guide Follow
The LeanData Log object (“Log”) is generated each time a record is routed through a deployed LeanData graph. The Log references one primary record and information related to one trip through a Routing Deployment. If a record takes multiple trips through routing deployments separate logs will be generated.
The Log’s fields contain useful information such as routing type, time of processing, primary routing actions taken, and any error details.
By default, Logs will be kept for 90 days unless configured otherwise.
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of some of the fields contained on the Log. The descriptions for these fields may be helpful in creating your own Salesforce reports and Dashboards.
Not all fields will be detailed below as many fields on the Log Object are used for LeanData operational purposes and their function may change as the product necessitates.
Fields and Descriptions
Field Name | Description |
Account | Used in Account Routing. Lookup to the Account record being routed. |
Account Id | Used in Account Routing. Account ID of Account being routed. |
Bulk Matching Time | Average time in seconds to match records contained in a batch. Bulk matching is shared across multiple records and then divided by the number of records to estimate this figure. |
Case | Used in Case Routing, Lookup to the Case record being routed. |
Case Id | Used in Case Routing. Case ID of Case being routed. |
CCIO Created Date | Date/Time of when the CCIO was created for this record. |
Contact | Used in Contact Routing. Lookup to the Contact record being routed. |
Contact Id | Used in Contact Routing. Contact ID of Contact being routed. |
Converted Contact | Used in Lead Routing. Lookup to the resulting Contact Record when a Lead is converted. |
Converting Action | Identifies the kind of action that resulted in the conversion. |
Created By | Standard SFDC Field. Lookup to the User who created the Log record. Will be the LeanData Integration User in most cases. |
Custom Object Label Name | Standard SFDC Field. The name of the record will be the SFDC ID of the Log record. |
Error Details | The error message that was returned when a record encounters an error. |
Last Campaign Member Responded Date | Date/Time of the last Campaign Member response, if there is one. |
Last Campaign Responded | Lookup to the Campaign Record of the last Campaign Member response. |
Last Modified By | Standard SFDC Field. Date/Time of the last time this Log record was modified. |
Lead | Used in Lead Routing. Lookup to the Lead record being routed. |
Lead Id | Used in Lead Routing. Lead ID of Lead being routed. |
Matching Time | The time in seconds to perform fuzzy matching on a specific Lead, Contact, or Account record. |
Message | LeanData operational field used to summarize the actions taken on the record. |
Message | LeanData operational field used to summarize the actions taken on the record. |
Message | LeanData operational field used to summarize the actions taken on the record. |
Message | LeanData operational field used to summarize the actions taken on the record. |
Number Of Processing Attempts | Number of additional processing attempts if the first attempt is unsuccessful. |
Opportunity | Used in Opportunity Routing. Lookup to the Opportunity record being routed. |
Opportunity Id | Used in Opportunity Routing. Opportunity ID of Opportunity being routed. |
Owner | Standard SFDC Field. Lookup to the User who owns the Log record. Will be the LeanData Integration User in most cases. |
Parent Log | Used when Routing is continuing from Time-Based or Hold Until Nodes. A Lookup to the originating Log record that led to the Time-Based or Hold Until Node. |
Path Node __ | Used for storing data on nodes for populating Routing Insights |
Post Owner | Lookup to the User Record of the New Owner of the record after the routing actions are taken. Please see Post Queue ID/Name if the new owner is a Queue. |
Post Queue Id | SFDC ID of the Queue that a record is assigned to after the routing actions are taken. |
Post Queue Name | Name of the Queue that a record is assigned to after the routing actions are taken. |
Pre Owner | Lookup to the User Record of the initial owner of the routed record before the routing actions are taken. Please see Pre Queue ID/Name if the previous owner is a Queue. |
Pre Queue Id | SFDC ID of the initial Queue owner of the routed record before the routing actions are taken. |
Pre Queue Name | Name of the initial Queue owner of the routed record before the routing actions are taken. |
Processed At | Date/Time of when the record was processed by LeanData. |
Round Robin Chosen Owner Id | SFDC ID of the User assigned as the record owner via a Round Robin assignment. |
Round Robin Chosen Owner Id Alt | SFDC ID of the User assigned in an alternate User field via a Round Robin assignment. |
Round Robin Pool | SFDC ID of the Round Robin pool referenced in assigning the new record owner. |
Round Robin Pool Alt | SFDC ID of the Round Robin pool referenced in assigning a User in an alternate User field on the record. |
Routing Action | Picklist which summarizes the primary actions taken in Router for this record. |
Routing Deployment | Lookup to the Routing Deployment record through which this record was processed. |
Routing Time | The time in seconds to traverse each node in the Routing deployment and follow the logic and decisions, and actions of each node. This does not include actually updating the record. |
Search | Stores information about the routed record and related information for easier searching and querying. |
Setup Time | Time in seconds to LeanData pre-process the CCIO for the routed record before the routing process begins. |
SObject Type | The object name of the routed record. |
Territory Segment | Lookup to the Territory Segment record through which this record was assigned. |
Total Processing Time | Total time in milliseconds for all setup, matching, routing, and updating processes to complete for a given record. |
Total Routing Time | Time in seconds between when a record was inserted / updated and when it is processed. |
Trigger Edge | Name of the Entry Edge through which this record was triggered in a Routing graph. |
Triggering Action | Identifies what type of event initiated the routing for this record. |
Update Time | Average time in seconds to update to the routed records in this batch. Update time is shared across multiple records and then divided by the number of records to estimate this figure. |
Youngest Child | Used when Routing records to a Time-Based or Hold Until node, to identify the Log of the most recent routing that initiated from this Parent Log. |
Reporting on the Logs Object
You can create your own custom Salesforce reports from the LeanData Log Object. In order to do so, you must first enable reporting on this object in your Salesforce instance.
In order to create reports with the Log Object, you will first need to ensure that you have enabled reports for this object in Salesforce.
In Salesforce Setup, navigate to Object Manager, then find the Log object (LeanData__Log__c).
Once in the Log object detail page, click the Edit button.
On the Edit page, scroll down to the Optional Features section and click the Allow Reports checkbox.
Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Custom Field Mapping and Metrics
Once you have enabled reporting on the LeanData Log Object, you can stamp any field value from the routed or matched object onto the Log object. For example - Lead Status or Matched Account’s Owner at the time of routing can be retained in the Logs object. Please see the Routing Metrics Mapping Guide for additional details and instructions.
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