BookIt Links - Admin Guide Follow
- Overview
- BookIt Links: Getting Started for Admins
- Definitions
- Use Cases
- Authorizing Users and Enabling Product Access
- Meeting Type Management (Admin)
- Admin Managed Meeting Types
- User Created Meeting Types
- My Personal Meeting Type
- Creating Booking Links
- Managing your Booking Links
- Link Management Page
- Managed Links
- Meeting Logs
- BookIt Links General Settings
- Summary
BookIt Links allows your Users to create and send personalized links that their prospects can use to book a meeting with a specific User or group of Users, according to their calendar availability. The meeting will be booked according to the parameters of the Meeting Type associated with the link. Users may also use BookIt Links to book meetings on behalf of other Users and according to global or Personal Meeting Types.
Note: This guide is intended for those who will be administering LeanData BookIt in their organizations. For non-admins who will be using BookIt Links, please see the BookIt Links User Guide (Non-Admin).
BookIt Links: Getting Started for Admins
For a step-by-step walkthrough to get started quickly, please visit our BookIt Links: Getting Started for Administrators page.
- Admin-Managed Meeting Type - Meeting Types created by a LeanData Admin which can be used as a template for other meeting types.
- User-Created Meeting Type - A Meeting Type created by a BookIt User.
- Personal Meeting Types - Meeting Types that are created by the current User
- Locked Meeting Types - A Meeting Type that is not available to be used by others to generate links.
- Unlocked Meeting Types - A Meeting Type that is available for use by others to generate links.
- Host - the User who is a required attendee for any meetings booked with a link. The Host will be determined by the User who is generating the link.
- Additional Attendees - Optional Users who are included in the meeting invite, but are not required to attend.
Use Cases
- Individual Booking Links: Present an individual’s calendar availability via a meeting link. Enable buyers to efficiently schedule meetings with a team member without back and forth coordination.
- Group Booking Links: Present multiple users’ calendar availability via a meeting link. Improve team selling by grouping the right team members to take on a call with a buyer.
- Pooled Availability Booking Links: Present the pooled availability of all members of a selected BookIt Round Robin Pool, giving the most options for a prospect to book according to their availability.
- Personal Meeting Types: Enable users to create and customize personal meeting types. Establish meeting type best practices and empower users to customize their working hours, confirmation emails, and reminders.
- Standard Link: A link created by the admin in which ownership is transferred to the user the link is created for.
- Managed Link: A managed link is a parent link that can be assigned to one or more users. When assigned to a user, a child link will be created for that user.
Authorizing Users and Enabling Product Access
In order for a User to use BookIt Links, they must authorize access to their calendar and have their BookIt Links Product Access enabled. You can follow the Authorization Instructions in the BookIt Implementation Guide. If a User is already authorized for other BookIt products, they will only need to have their Product Access updated to include BookIt Links.
Meeting Type Management (Admin)
In order to use BookIt Links, you will need to create Meeting Types and ensure they are accessible by the BookIt Links product.
From the LeanData tab, navigate to BookIt > Meeting Types > Meeting Type Management.
From here, you can see all your Admin-Managed Meeting Types, and on a separate tab, you can view any Meeting Types that any Users have created.
Admin Managed Meeting Types
Assuming you are a LeanData Admin (LeanData Custom Objects Full Access Permission Set), you will be able to view, create, and edit Admin Managed Meeting Types from this page.
For more detailed information on creating Meeting Types, Please see the Meeting Types Section of the BookIt Settings Guide.
When hovering over a Meeting type, you will see an Actions menu appear, which will give you the options to Edit, Duplicate, or Delete a Meeting Type.
When creating your Meeting types, you will designate which BookIt Product the Meeting Type will be used for. Each Meeting Type can only be used for one BookIt Product. If you would like to use the meeting type for a different BookIt Product, you will have to create another Meeting Type.
Meeting types that are accessible by BookIt Links will show a link icon in the Product column of your Meeting Types page. A filled in link icon means that the Meeting Type is being used in an active link.
User Created Meeting Types
As an admin, you will also be able to see Meeting Types created by the Users in your organization. From the Meeting Type Management page, click on the User Created (All) tab
From this page, you will be able to see details for each of the User Created Meeting Types in your instance, including the Owner of Personal Meeting type, whether the Meeting Type is Locked or Unlocked, and how many links use that particular Meeting Type.
1) Filtering and Searching
As Users create Personal Meeting Types, this page will populate with many different Personal Meeting Types. Use the filtering dropdowns and search bar to view only the Meeting Types you would like to manage.
2) Locked vs Unlocked Personal Meeting Types
Locked meeting types will be denoted with a Lock icon next to the Personal Label, while Unlocked Meeting Types will just be denoted with a Personal label. Locked Meeting Types can only be used by the User who created them, while Unlocked Meeting Types can be used by others to generate links.
3) Links Usage
From this page, you will also be able to see how many links are using each Meeting Type in the Links Usage Column. If you would like to view which Users are using these links, you can view from the Links page (BookIt > BookIt Links) and sort by Meeting Type.
4) Actions
By hovering over a User Created Meeting Type, you will be able to either edit or delete a Personal Meeting Type. Please note that you will not be able to delete a Personal Meeting Type if it is currently being used by an active link.
My Personal Meeting Types
In addition to managing meeting types globally, admins can manage their own Personal Meeting Types as a User of BookIt Links. To access your own Personal Meeting Types or create a new Personal Meeting Type navigate to BookIt > Meeting Types > My Personal Meeting Types.
Please Note: Personal Meeting Types are only available for use in BookIt Links.
For more detailed information on creating Meeting Types, please see the Meeting Types Section of the BookIt Settings Guide.
From this page, you will be able to see details for all of your Personal Meeting Types. Please note that any Admin Managed Meeting Types will also be available so that you can duplicate them for use as templates for your Personal Meeting Types.
1) Filtering and Searching
If you have many different Meeting types, you can filter out Admin Managed Meeting types, or use the search bar to find the Meeting Type you would like to manage.
2) Admin Managed vs Locked vs Unlocked Personal Meeting Types
Admin Managed Meeting types will be visible to all Users, and can be used as a template for Users to create their own Personal Meeting Types. Locked meeting types will be denoted with a Lock icon next to the Personal Label, while Unlocked Meeting Types will just be denoted with a Personal label. Locked Meeting Types can only be used by the User who created them, while Unlocked Meeting Types can be used by others to generate links.
3) Links Usage
From this page, you will also be able to see how many links are using each Meeting Type in the Links Usage Column. If you would like to view which Users are using these links, you can view from the Links page (BookIt > BookIt Links) and sort by Meeting Type.
4) Actions
By hovering over a Personal Meeting Type, you will be able to either edit or delete it. Please note that you will not be able to delete a Personal Meeting Type if it is currently being used by an active link. Admin Managed Meeting Types cannot be edited from the Personal Meeting Types page. If you wish to edit an Admin Managed Meeting type, please navigate to the BookIt > Meeting Types > Meeting Type Management page.
Creating Booking Links
There are two types of links that you can create as an admin. A Standard Link or a Managed Link.
- Standard Link: A link created by the admin in which ownership is transferred to the user the link is created for.
- Managed Link: A managed link is a parent link that can be assigned to one or more users. When assigned to a user, a child link will be created for that user.
To create a Standard Link that prospects can use to book Meetings with your Users, navigate to BookIt > BookIt Links > My Links Here you will be able view and manage any existing standard booking links as well as create new booking links. You can also create links from the Link Management page, which will be covered later.
Click on Create Booking Link, and you will be taken through a wizard which will guide you through the link creation process.
Select Booking Type
If you want your link to book meetings with just one specific host, select Individual. You can also select Pooled Availability to display the pooled availabilty of an entire BookIt Round Robin Pool. If you wish to include multiple Hosts, either required or optional, select Group.
Select Host(s)
Individual Booking Link
If you selected Individual, you must select the Main Host from the dropdown on the next page. By default, this will show the logged in User, but you can choose any User authorized for BookIt Links from the dropdown. You may also select a BookIt Pool, which will allow you to select a User from a list of all the Users in that Pool. The Main Host's calendar will be used when booking through this Booking Link.
Group Booking Link
If you selected Group, you will also have to identify a Main Host in the same manner, but you can also optionally add additional Hosts by clicking the Add Host button and selecting a BookIt User or User from a BookIt Pool from the dropdown. You can have up to 20 hosts for a Group Booking Link.
An additional Host can either be designated as a required Host, or marked as optional.
When a Group Booking Link is used, the calendar availability displayed to the prospect will reflect the calendars availability of all required hosts.
To designate or change a Main Host, click the Crown icon displayed to the right. The User marked with the Crown is the Main Host. Only one Main Host can be designated for the Booking Link.
Hosts with a filled Person Icon are required hosts and Hosts with an empty Person Icon are optional. To toggle a Host between required and optional, simply click on the Person icon next to their name.
To remove a host from a Group Booking Link, hit the X icon by their name.
Pooled Availability Booking Link
If you selected Pooled Availability, you select one of your count-based BookIt Round Robin Pools, and an available Host will be chosen according to your guest's preferred calendar availability when they use the link.
Select Meeting Type
After selecting your Host(s), select the Meeting Type you would like to use for this Booking Link. You can select either an Admin Managed or a Personal Meeting Type. If you had selected a Main Host other than yourself, you can select one of their Personal Meeting Types if it has been unlocked and made available for use
Edit Meeting Details
After selecting your Host, you can also adjust certain aspects of your meeting details such as your Meeting Info and Calendar Invite. These adjustments will not actually modify the Meeting Type that was used to create these meeting details, but will be specific to this particular link.
Details such as Display Name, Date Range, and Buffer Time, and Calendar Invite Details such as Event Name, Location, and Event Description can be modified.
Enter Link Details
On the next page, you will be be able to customize your Booking Link details:
- Link Name: This will be the name of the link to help distinguish it from other links when managing them in the LeanData interface. By default, the link name will take the Name of the Meeting Type you used.
- Link URL: You can customize the actual link URL if you would like. In addition to any custom text you incorporate in the Link URL, LeanData will also generate a unique link ID as a part of that URL. This unique ID is not customizable and will be a part of your Link URL.
- Create Leads: Toggle this option on if you would like to create a new Lead in Salesforce each time this link is used.
- Expiration: You can set an expiration date for the link, after which, it will no longer be usable. If you do not want your link to expire, you can select Never.
- Notifications: you can email additional users whenever a meeting is booked using this link. The recipient of the notification does not necessarily have to be a meeting host, but can be anyone whom you would like notified.
Preview Link Details
On the next page, you will be able to see a summary of your link details before saving and generating a link. Please review your link details and make any final adjustments before proceeding. Once your link details have been confirmed, click Save & Generate Link.
Generate Link
On the next page you will find your Booking Link URL, which you can copy and send to whomever you would like to Book a meeting with your specified parameters.
If you would like to preview the Booking page, click on the Preview this page link.
Click Done when you are finished.
Managing your Booking Links
There are two pages to manage Booking Links:
- BookIt > BookIt Links > My Links: To manage your personal links.
- BookIt > BookIt Links > Links Management: As an admin you can manage all links and create Managed Links to distribute to other users.
My Links Page
The My Links page will display all of your personal links including details such as the Link Name, Meeting Type, Duration, Host(s) and Expiration. Expired links can be viewed by unchecking the Hide Expired Links check box.
Link Actions
When hovering over a Booking Link, you will see several actions appear on the right side of that row.
Copy Link
You can quickly copy the URL for any Active link by clicking the Copy Link button.
Actions menu
- Pin: To help organize the list of links, you can select the Pin action in the Actions, this will pin this link to the top of your list and add a ribbon icon so that it is easily accessible. If the Link has already been pinned, you will see the Unpin action instead.
- Create BookIt Invite: Clicking this option will take you to a page that will let you select your preferred meeting times and create a BookIt Invite.
- Edit: You can edit your link details by clicking Edit.
- Duplicate: You can create a duplicate link with the same link details but a unique link URL using the Duplicate action.
- Delete: To permanently remove a link, use the Delete action. If someone uses a link URL that has been deleted, they will encounter an error message.
Expired Link Actions
Expired links will be displayed with their expiration date highlighted in red. Expired links will remain for 90 days, and then they will be automatically deleted. These will have different actions available in the Actions dropdown, to either Reactivate or Delete the Link.
When reactivating a link, you will need to select a new expiration time, or select Never to make a link that does not expire.
Please Note: if you attempt to reactivate a link that uses a deleted Meeting Type, you will have to reconfigure the link using the link creation wizard.
Link Management Page
The Link Management Page is available to Admins. Within this page, you will see two tabs, Managed Links and All Links. Expired links can be viewed by toggling off the Hide Expired Links checkbox.
All Links
On the All Links tab, you will be able to quickly view all Booking Links in your instance and some relevant details, such as the Link Name, Meeting Type, Duration, Host(s) and Expiration.
In order to more easily manage a large list of links, you can filter the list using the filter dropdowns at the top or use the search bar.
Individual Link Actions
When hovering over a Booking Link, you will see several actions appear on the right side of that row.
Copy Link
You can quickly copy the URL for any Active link by clicking the Copy Link button.
Actions menu
- Edit: You can edit your link details by clicking Edit.
- Duplicate: You can create a duplicate link with the same link details but a unique link URL using the Duplicate action.
- Delete: To permanently remove a link, use the Delete action. If someone uses a link URL that has been deleted, they will encounter an error message.
Bulk Link Actions
You can also take bulk actions on links by selecting the links you wish to act upon, then clicking the Actions button on the upper left.
Clicking Export will download the selected Links details into a CSV file.
Clicking Delete will bulk delete all of the selected Links.
Managed Links
The Managed Links tab will display your Managed Links. A Managed Link is a parent link that can be assigned to one or more users. When assigned to a user, a child link will be created for that user.
Creating a Managed Link
To create a managed link, click Create Booking Link from the Link Management Page, then select Managed Link.
You will be taken to the Managed Link Wizard, which will contain the same steps to create a Standard Link, with a few differences, outlined below:
- Scheduling Link Type: You can only create a Managed Link for an Individual. Group and Pooled Availability links are not available.
- Select Hosts: You can select multiple users who you are creating this Managed Link for. Each selected user will receive their own child link with your Link parameters, but each child link will have a different main host.
- Select Meeting Type: You will only be able to select Admin Managed Meeting Types.
- Edit Meeting Details: This step is not available when creating a Managed Link.
Managing Managed Links
The Managed Links tabs will display all your parent Managed Links. To see the Users who have access to child links for a particular managed link, click on the users in the Assigned To column or the View Links button on the right side when hovering your cursor over a Link.
A modal will pop up that shows you each User who has access to a child link of this Managed Link. From the modal, you can click on the Copy Link button by the User whose child Link you would like to copy.
Managed Link Action Menu
Clicking the Actions button for a Managed Link will show you a few options for different actions you can take for that Managed Link:
- Edit Link: Edit your Managed Link details. Any edits made to the Managed Link will be reflected on all its child Links. If a User edits their child Link, the other child Links for other Users will not be affected.
- Edit Users: Edit which Users have access to child links of this Managed Link.
- Export Links: Download the details of the child Links into a CSV file.
- Duplicate: Duplicate this Managed Link. You will have the opportunity to edit link details before the duplicate is created.
- Delete: Permanently remove the Managed Link
Meeting Logs
LeanData Admins (those with LeanData Custom Objects Full Access Permission Set) can view Meeting Logs for meetings booked through BookIt Links. Navigate to BookIt > BookIt Links > Meeting Logs.
On the Meeting Logs page, you will be able to see a list of all Meetings Booked through BookIt Links, and relevant details from those meetings.
Here are some of the details you are able to view from the Meeting Logs page.
- Name: The name of the person who booked the meeting. If a Lead was created for this person, their Name will be hyperlinked to the Lead record in Salesforce.
- Scheduled with: The name of the rep the meeting was scheduled with. If this was a group meeting, there will be an indicator of how many additional hosts, which you can view by hovering over the indicator.
- Booking Link Details: The name of the Booking Link, as well as the name of the rep who created the Link.
- Meeting Type: The name of the Meeting Type used and also the Meeting Category (if applicable).
- Method: Whether this meeting was booked for a Specific User or a Pooled Availability Link.
- Meeting Date: The date and time of the scheduled meeting.
- Salesforce Lead: Indicates whether a Lead was successfully created using this meeting link (Created), if there was an error in creating a Lead (Error), or if Lead creation was not enabled for this link (N/A).
- Salesforce Event: Indicates whether a Salesforce Event was successfully created (Created), if there was an error in creating an Event (Error), or if Event creation was not enabled for this link (N/A).
- Processed at: The date and time this meeting was booked.
- Meeting Status: Indicates whether the meeting is Scheduled, Canceled, or No Show. The Meeting Status will update to indicate the current status of the Meeting.
In the upper right, you can search for specific meetings by the Lead Name, BookIt Rep, or Pool. You may also use the dropdown filters in the upper right of the table to filter the meetings by whether a Salesforce Lead or Event was created or by Booking Method.
In the upper left, you will be able to Download a CSV file containing your filtered list of meeting logs, including the details above.
BookIt Links General Settings
Clicking on BookIt > Settings > BookIt Links Tab, you will be able to configure additional General Settings for BookIt Links.
Create Salesforce Leads
Toggle this setting on if you would like to create a Lead in Salesforce whenever a meeting is booked using a Booking Link. The main host of the meeting will be the owner of the created Lead.
Which links can create leads in Salesforce?
- All Booking Links Create Leads: This option will automatically enable Lead creation on all Booking Links.
- Users choose which booking links create leads: This option will allow Users to choose whether a Booking Link will create Salesforce Leads. This can be configured for each Booking Link.
What information will be added to the lead record?
First Name, Last Name, Email, and Company will be displayed on the BookIt schedule form for all links that create leads and will be mapped to their corresponding Salesforce fields.
What additional booking information would you like to add on the lead record?
You can map additional booking fields (i.e Meeting Type Name, Meeting Date/Time, etc) onto fields on your created Lead. Click Add Booking Information to add mappings.
Select the Booking Information you wish to map from the left dropdown, and select the corresponding Salesforce Lead field you wish to populate from the right dropdown. Click Add Booking Information to add your mapping.
Repeat for any additional mappings you wish to create.
Create Salesforce Events
The Create Salesforce Events setting will allow you to create a Salesforce Event when a meeting has been booked successfully using a Booking Link. The Event will be related to the Lead Record in Salesforce.
Event Subject
Use the Event Subject section to give a subject for the Salesforce Event.
You can use the Insert button to the right to dynamically insert BookIt variables into the subject field in your created Salesforce Event, such as the Meeting Type Name, Guest Name, and Company.
Assigned To
Use the Assigned To section to select the User whom the Event should be assigned to. You can opt for the Meeting Owner to be the Event Owner, or select an Explicit User from a list of Users.
Additional Event Fields
You can use the Additional Event Fields section to populate other fields on your created Salesforce Event. Click Add Field , then you can select an Event Field and the value you would like to appear in that field.
Links & Meeting Types Permissions
The Links & Meeting Types Permissions section will allow you to configure whether Users' access to create and edit Booking Links and Meeting Types.
Who is allowed to create booking links?
This setting will allow you to specify which Users will be able to create booking links: All Users, Only Admins, or Specific Users. If you select Specific Users, you will have to specify which Users should be able to create links.
Who is allowed to create personal meeting types?
This setting will allow you to specify which Users will be able to create personal meeting types for their BookIt links: All Users, Only Admins, or Specific Users. If you select Specific Users, you will have to specify which Users should be able to create personal meeting types.
Enable & Meeting Types Permissions
The Enable Managed Link Customization setting will allow BookIt Links Users to edit details on Managed links. These edits will only affect their individual child link and will not modify the parent Managed Link.
BookIt Links allows you to efficiently book meetings using customizable scheduling links, eliminating back and forth and removing obstacles to booking meetings with the right reps.
For additional assistance please submit a ticket to LeanData Support.