LeanData NotifyPlus Slack Integration Follow
- Overview
- Setting up the LeanData-Slack Integration
- Authorizing Slack in LeanData
- NotifyPlus Salesforce Authorization Settings
- Adding LeanData to a Slack Channel
- Using the Send Slack Action Notification Node
- Recipients
- Message
- Action Buttons
- Expiration Time
- Advanced Settings
- Action Notification Experience In Slack
- Using the Create Slack Channel Node
- Using the Manage Slack Channel Node
Troubleshooting and Monitoring
With LeanData's NotifyPlus capability, organizations that utilize both LeanData and Slack can incorporate custom buttons within Slack messages for their reps to directly take action. Use the Send Slack Action Notification Node in FlowBuilder to send Slack notifications that enable the recipients to create new records or update any routed or matched record, from directly within the notification. You can also create new Slack Channels or manage existing Slack channels and associate them with Salesforce records.
- Custom Buttons in Slack Notifications: Prescribe necessary and prompt action for your reps with context. Define which actions a team member needs to complete, from creating a new record or updating an existing record in Salesforce.
- SLA Tracking: Set expiration times and auto-tracking completion for each action sent in a notification. Easily hold team members accountable to taking action in a timely manner.
- Suggested Inputs: Accelerate updates and keep Salesforce data accurate by suggesting values or enabling reps to provide their own values used to create or update records.
- Continued Processing: Automate next steps based on inputs or SLA compliance. Whether next steps are conditional on action taken, inputs provided, or timely action taken, continue to automate updates, merges, or even initiating engagement sequences. Seamlessly incorporate manual input as part of one entire process.
Setting up the LeanData-Slack Integration
In order to use the Slack integration you must be a joint customer of LeanData and Slack.
Authorizing Slack in LeanData
To use Slack with LeanData, ensure the appropriate remote site setting is configured in Salesforce. For more information, LeanData Admin - Adding the LeanData Remote Site Setting.
- From the LeanData App, navigate to Integrations > Routing and click the Get Started button on the Slack tile.
- Specify the correct User Field to help LeanData map Salesforce User Emails to Slack User Emails and direct notifications to the appropriate recipients. LeanData identifies Slack Users with the corresponding Salesforce Users by matching email addresses across both platforms, using the User field you select here.
- To send Slack notifications to both public and private channels, check the Send Slack notifications to both public and private channels box and invite the App to private channels.
- Note: If you do not invite the App to a private channel, that channel will not be selectable in FlowBuilder.
- Please note: You must be either the owner or an admin of the Slack workspace to authorize the Slack integration with LeanData. If you need to change a Slack member's role, refer to the Change a member's role article.
Please Note: LeanData can only be authorized for one Slack workspace at a time. If you have multiple workspaces, ensure that LeanData is authorized for the workspace containing all relevant users.
NotifyPlus Salesforce Authorization Settings
When users take an action in Slack via NotifyPlus Action Notifications, the resulting action in Salesforce will be attributed as follows:
- Actions will be assigned to the Primary/Secondary user tokens configured in the Authorization Tab in Admin Settings unless the user has connected their Salesforce account.
- Actions taken by users who have connected their Salesforce accounts will be attributed directly to their Salesforce User instead of the token user.
Authorization Options
Optional Salesforce Authorization:
- Slack users can act on NotifyPlus Action Notifications in Slack without connecting their Salesforce accounts.
- Actions by users who do not connect their accounts will be attributed to the Primary/Secondary user tokens configured in the Authorization Tab in Admin Settings.
Required Salesforce Authorization:
- Slack users must connect their Salesforce accounts to respond to NotifyPlus Action Notifications.
- Users will be automatically prompted to connect their Salesforce account when first attempting to respond to a NotifyPlus Action Notification in Slack.
Invite Users to Connect their Salesforce Accounts
- Click the Copy Link button to copy an invitation link.
- Share this link with your users to prompt them to connect their Salesforce accounts.
Adding LeanData to a Slack Channel
In Slack:
- Navigate to the channel you wish to add LeanData to.
- Click into the Members of the Channel. Under the Integrations tab, click Add an App in the Apps section.
- Find LeanData in the list of Apps in your workspace and click Add.
Using the Send Slack Action Notification Node
To send Slack Action Notifications from your FlowBuilder graphs you must add the NotifyPlus for Slack Node to your graph. From the Node Bar on the upper right, go to NotifyPlus > Send Slack Action Notification, and drag the node onto your FlowBuilder graph.
Within the NotifyPlus for Slack Node, there are five main sections: Recipients, Message, Action Buttons, Expiration Time, and Advanced Settings.
Here you will select the intended recipient of your Slack Action Notification. This will determine who will receive the Action Notification in Slack.
- Owner: You can select from either the New Owner whom LeanData assigned the record to in a prior node or the Previous Owner who owned the record before any ownership changes.
- Slack Channel: Will allow you to select a Slack channel in the connected Slack workspace. All public channels will be available, along with any private channels to which the LeanData App has been added.
- Slack User: Will allow you to select a recipient from a list of your Slack Users.
- Variable in Field: This option will allow you to select a User from other fields, including any Users on the routed record, related record, prior matched records, or any other Variables that have been defined in a previous node in the graph.
- Slack Channel Associated with Record: This option will require you to select an Account, Opportunity, Case, or Custom Object Variable from your graph. The Slack Action notification will be sent to the channel associated with that record. Channels can be associated with records using the Create Slack Channel or Manage Slack Channel Nodes.
Once you have selected your recipient, you can craft the content of the Slack message itself.
By using the dropdowns, you can insert mentions of Users and Channels, such as the New Owner, as well as insert Variables such as the record's name, a link to the record, or a link to the corresponding LeanData Audit Log.
Action Buttons
The Action Buttons section allows you to configure the actions you wish to incorporate within your Slack notification. By clicking the Add Action button, you can select from two options: Create Record and/or Update Record.
Clicking the Add Action button again will allow you to add more Action buttons to your Slack notification. You may add up to 5 Actions.
Please Note: Even though we allow up to 5 Actions to be listed in the Slack Action Notification, the recipient will only be able to complete one of the displayed Actions from within the notification.
- Create Record: this option will give your Slack recipients a button to create a record in Salesforce, directly from Slack.
- What kind of record do you want to create?: Select from a list of your Salesforce objects to indicate what kind of record you want your Slack recipient to be able to create.
- What text do you want on the action button?: Enter the text you want to appear on the Action button that will appear in the Slack notification.
Which Salesforce fields do you want to populate on this record?: Click Add Field to add a field you wish to populate on the newly created record. You can select any editable field on the Salesforce object you selected in the previous step. You can either enter a static value for this field, or you can dynamically insert values from any previously stored Variable by using the Insert button. For date fields, you can either enter a static date or insert a Relative Date (relative to today).
- Toggling the Editable switch on will give the recipient the ability to edit the value before they take the associated action.
- After you configure your field, you can add more fields by clicking Add Field.
- Update Record: this option will give your Slack recipients a button to update a record in Salesforce, directly from Slack.
- Which record do you want to update?: Select either the routed record or a related record, matched record, or other record stored in a Variable earlier in the graph.
- What text do you want on the action button?: Enter the text you want to appear on the Action button that will appear in the Slack notification.
Which Salesforce fields do you want to update on this record?: Click Add Field to add a field you wish to update on the newly created record. You can select any editable field on the Salesforce object you selected in the previous step. You can either enter a static value for this field, or you can dynamically insert values from any previously stored Variable by using the Insert button. For date fields, you can either enter a static date or insert a Relative Date (relative to today).
- Toggling the Editable switch on will give the recipient the ability to edit the value before they take the associated action.
- After you configure your field, you can add more fields by clicking Add Field.
Expiration Time
Under the Expiration Time section, define a time frame using the dropdowns. LeanData will follow the Time Expired edge if the selected time elapses and none of the previously defined Actions have been taken by the Slack recipient. Currently, the default is 5 minutes with a max of 180 days as the longest time frame.
If one of the previously defined Actions are taken within the allotted time frame, the record will exit through the SLA Met edge.
Records that enter the NotifyPlus for Slack Node will automatically be tracked in the Time-to-Action Tracker Object. For more information on Time-to-Action Reporting, please see the Time-to-Action Reporting Guide.
Advanced Settings
A record will exit this node either when the recipient of the Slack Action Notification takes one of the Actions defined above or when the designated expiration time elapses, whichever happens first.
Action Completed: Records will follow this edge if a rep takes one of the actions defined in the Slack Actions within the designated time frame. If you do not wish for any further processing or actions to take place, set this edge to End of Flow.
- When a record proceeds through this edge, the original Slack Action notification will be modified to remove the Action button and will indicate that the SLA has been met.
- When a record proceeds through this edge, the original Slack Action notification will be modified to remove the Action button and will indicate that the SLA has been met.
Time Expired: Records will follow this edge if the designated time frame elapses without a User taking one of the designated Slack actions above. You can assign the record to a different rep, send out a notification, or you can set this to End of Flow if you do not want any further action.
- When a record proceeds through this edge, the original Slack Action notification will be modified to remove the Action button and will indicate that the time expired.
Action Notification Experience In Slack
The Action Notification sent in Slack will contain the message and Action Buttons as you configured it in the Send Action Notification Node.
When the recipient clicks one of the buttons, they will be taken to an interface to complete the fields you had specified within the node. Fields that you marked as editable can be updated by the Slack recipient. Field that you did not mark as editable will display the value that you defined.
If the Slack recipient completes one of the actions within the timeframe, the buttons in the Slack Notification will be replaced with an Action Completed indicator, and the record will follow the Action Completed edge from the Action Notification Node.
If the Slack recipient does not complete one of the actions within the timeframe, the buttons in the Slack Notification will be replaced with a Time Expired indicator, and the record will follow the Time Expired edge from the Action Notification Node.
Using the Create Slack Channel Node
Within Opportunity, Account, Case, and Any Object Routing, you can use the Create Slack Channel Node to create new Slack channels and add relevant team members. From within one of these Routers, from the Node Bar, hover over the NotifyPlus menu item, and drag a Create Slack Channel Node into your graph.
Within the Create Slack Channel Node, there are six main sections: Record Selection, Channel Name, Channel Members, Additional Channel Details, Record Bookmark Details, and Advanced Settings.
Record Selection
Under the Which record would you like to create a Channel for? section, select the variable for the record you wish to associate the new channel with. You will only be able to select variables that have been defined leading up to this point in your graph.
Associating Existing Channels with Records
The only way to associate Slack Channels with Salesforce records for LeanData routing purposes is to use this Create Slack Channel Node. If you need to associate pre-existing Slack Channels, or Slack Channels that were not created via this LeanData Node, you can use the Routing Scheduler tool to send the records you wish to associate through a Create Slack Channel Node.
Please note: You must ensure that your Create Slack Channel Node uses an identical naming convention to your existing Slack Channels. When LeanData attempts to create a new Slack Channel with an identical name to an existing Slack channel, LeanData will associate the existing slack channel with the record you have selected here. If the name of the Slack Channel is not exactly the same as the existing channel, LeanData will create a new channel entirely.
This method for associating existing channels with records will fail if:
- The channel with the same name is a private channel that the LeanData bot isn't added into.
- The channel was created after the last time the channel mappings were refreshed.
Channel Name
In the Channel Name section, supply the name you wish to give your new Slack Channel. You can insert variables or relative dates into your channel name.
Channel Members
In the Channel Members section, click the Add Members button to select the members you would like to be added to your new Slack Channel. You can select from the New Owner of the routed record, Previous Owner of the routed record, some Additional Recipient found on the routed or Matched record, of you can select from a list of your Slack Users.
Additional Channel Details
Optionally, you can add a Channel Topic and a Channel Description for your new Slack Channel. You can insert values from variables and relative dates into your Channel Topic and Channel Description if needed.
Bookmark Record
If you would like to include a Bookmark Link on the new channel to a record in Salesforce, select Record to Bookmark in the dropdown. You will only be able to select the routed record or any object variables you have defined up to this point in your graph.
Also enter the Bookmark Name you would like to include on your channel. You can insert values from variables or a relative date if needed.
Advanced Settings
Under Advanced Settings, you will see the fallback edges for this node. You are given a fallback edge to indicate what you would like to happen if there is no variable found to which to associate your new channel.
You are also given a Next Node edge if you would like to continue processing records beyond this point in your graph.
Using the Manage Slack Channel Node
Within Opportunity, Account, Case, and Any Object Routing, you can use the Manage Slack Channel Node to manage existing Slack channels including archiving the channel or updating the channel. From within one of these Routers, from the Node Bar, hover over the NotifyPlus menu item, and drag a Manage Slack Channel Node into your graph.
Within the Manage Slack Channel Node, there are seven main sections: Record Selection, Action Type, Channel Name, Channel Members, Additional Channel Details, Record Bookmark Details, and Advanced Settings.
Record Selection
Under the Which record is associated with the Channel you want to manage? section, select the variable for the record whose channel you want to manage. You will only be able to select variables that have been defined leading up to this point in your graph.
Action Type
Under the What action do you want to perform for this Channel? section, select whether you would like to Update the Channel or Archive the Channel.
If you want to archive the channel, you can skip to the Advanced Settings section, as the the other sections deal with updates to the channel.
Channel Name
In the Channel Name section, supply the name you wish to give the Slack Channel. You can insert variables or relative dates into your channel name.
Channel Members
In the Add Channel Members section, click the Add Members button to select the members you would like to be added to your Slack Channel. You can select from the New Owner of the routed record, Previous Owner of the routed record, some Additional Recipient found on the routed or Matched record, of you can select from a list of your Slack Users.
Additional Channel Details
Optionally, you can update the Channel Topic and a Channel Description for your Slack Channel. You can insert values from variables and relative dates into your Channel Topic and Channel Description if needed.
Bookmark Record
If you would like to update the Bookmark Link on the channel, select Record to Bookmark in the dropdown. You will only be able to select the routed record or any object variables you have defined up to this point in your graph.
Also enter the Bookmark Name you would like to include on your channel. You can insert values from variables or a relative date if needed.
Advanced Settings
Under Advanced Settings, you will see the fallback edges for this node. You are given a fallback edge to indicate what you would like to happen if there is no variable found to identify which channel to update.
You are also given a Next Node edge if you would like to continue processing records beyond this point in your graph.
Troubleshooting and Monitoring
In addition to the reporting available in the Time-to-Action Tracker, LeanData will allow you to track records that are either pending or completed via a NotifyPlus Slack action in Audit Logs and Routing Insights.
Audit Logs
The Send Slack Action Notification Node will create two audit logs. A parent log will be created when the initial notification is sent, and a child log will be created when the record exits the node via either edge and is completed.
Within the Audit Logs page, records that are still pending due to a Send Slack Action Notification Node will display as a Parent Log with a Pending status in the Path Column.
When the time frame expires or when the record is actioned, another log will be generated as the child log, showing the routing outcome and detailing the path from the NotifyPlus Node onward. If you expand the More Info section, you will see a link to the Parent Log that triggered the initial routing process.