Routing - Audit Logs Guide

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LeanData’s Audit Logs allow you to see which path an individual record took within the FlowBuilder graph. They will show you each node that the record passed through and the outcomes that went into LeanData's decision for sending the record down that specific path. This document will provide a brief lesson on how to use the Audit Logs.


Accessing Audit Logs

To access the Audit Logs section please go to the LeanData app, click on Routing → Leads (or other object you are routing) → Audit Logs

Please note that the navigation to Audit Logs is similar when looking to use them for Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, Cases, or Any Object Routing. 



Navigating Audit Logs 

Once in the Audit Logs section, logs from the past two weeks will automatically be populated. There are a few things to note here:

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Searching Audit Logs

You can use the search bar at the top to search for the record you want to investigate. You can search by ID, Name, or Company.

Please note: A search will only return logs from within the Date/Time Range specified (required). The default Date/Time Range will be the last 2 weeks, so if you need to find logs outside of that time frame, you will need to adjust the timeframe. By default, LeanData will keep log records for 90 days. This setting can be changed in Admin Settings. Please see the end of this guide for details.



You can also narrow your results by setting certain parameters, including New Owner, Previous Owner, Round Robin Pool, Territory Segment, or Business Unit (if Multi-graph is enabled).

Additionally, you can filter by routing characteristics such as Routing Type (e.g. Continuous, Live, Scheduled Routing), Triggers (e.g. New, Update, Campaign Member, Hold Until), Deployment, or Outcome (e.g. Round Robin, Converted, Error)


Record Panel

The Audit Log consists of three panels. The first panel is the Record panel and displays the information on the record at the time it was processed by LeanData. 

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You can click the link icon to copy a link to this specific audit log to send to a colleague.

The Routing Deployment field and accompanying hyperlink show the specific FlowBuilder deployment that the record was processed through. 

The Processed At field shows that date and time that LeanData picked up a record for routing. 

Click the More Info button to see additional fields from the record as they were populated at the time of processing. 


Path Panel

The middle of the three Audit Log panels is the Path Panel. This will display each node that each record encountered on its path through your routing graph. Below you can see an example of what a displayed path’s sections might look like.

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There are several components of the Path panel that will help you understand how to interpret the Audit Log.

  • Trigger Node and Type: The first node listed on the path will always be the record’s point of entry. This will specify which node and edge the record was triggered through. This can also be a Hold Until Node if a record resumes processing when exiting a Hold Until Node. This will also specify if a Record was processed with Real-Time Processing.
  • Node Type and Name: Each entry in the path will display the Node Type and the name given to that node in your graph.
  • Matched Record: Records that encounter Match Nodes in your graph will nodes will display the chosen match (if any) and will also show any potential matches that were considered by clicking the > Matched {Object Name}s dropdown display. You can also see which filter and tie breaker criteria were used to choose the best matched record by clicking More Info.
  • Resulting Edge: Each entry in the path will display the resulting edge from that node.
  • Path End: The path will ultimately end in a final terminal edge. Typically, this will be an End of Flow edge. LeanData processing ends at this point (unless it is subject to Hold Until node)


Outcome Panel

The last of the of three Audit Log panels is the Outcome Panel, which provides a summary of the end result of LeanData processing.

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  1. The Triggering Action section will specify what triggered this record to be picked up by LeanData, whether it was an Insert, Update, a Scheduled or One-Time Routing Job, etc.
  2. The Action Outcomes section will summarize the overall actions that were carried through LeanData processing.
  3. The Ownership section shows whom a record was assigned to and also shows the previous Owner of the record prior to LeanData processing.
  4. The Matched Record to which a record was routed to will also be displayed at the bottom. 


Collapsing/Expanding Audit Log Entries

The Expanded / Collapsed dropdown in the upper right allows you to toggle between a full view of all logs or a collapsed view with just the main details.

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Linking to Audit Logs

There are several ways to get a URL to Audit Logs:

Specific Audit Log

You can click the link icon next to the name of a record from the audit log page, which will copy a URL for that specific log.

All Audit Logs for a particular record

If you would like to send a link to the logs for a particular record, you can send a URL that will take you to an Audit Logs page for that specific record. Links to Audit Logs conform to the following format:


Where the highlighted portions would correspond to your Salesforce instance domain, and the record ID for the record you’d like to see the logs for, respectively. If you are searching for Audit Logs for other objects, you can replace the word "lead" in the URL above with the appropriate object.

You can also include a formula field on your records that would function as a link to that record’s Audit Logs, by designing the formula to append the record ID to the end of the audit log URL.


Reprocessing Audit Logs

(Available on LeanData Version 1.622 or higher)

If you notice on your Audit Logs page that that specific records were not processed correctly and you want to reprocess those records, you can do so easily directly from the Audit Logs page.

To do so, click the Reprocess Logs button in the upper right of the Audit Logs page.

Please Note: The record will be processed real-time if the User who clicks the Reprocess Logs button has the LeanData Custom Objects Full Access Permission Set, and that User will be the User of record. If the User who clicks the button does not have the LeanData Custom Objects Full Access Permission Set, the record will be processed in an asynchronous batch with the LeanData Integration User as the User of record.

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You will enter a selection mode, where you can select the specific Audit Logs that you would like to reprocess by checking the checkboxes that appear to the left of each Audit Log. Logs that are ineligible for reprocessing (see below for details) will not be selectable.

Clicking Show Selected Only will remove unselected logs from the view. To return the unselected logs to the view, click Return to Search and Filters.

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Once you have finished selecting all the logs you wish to reprocess, click the Reprocess Logs button on the green banner at the top of the page.

LeanData will reprocess these logs using their original entry edge on the active graph.


Why would a Log be Ineligible for Reprocessing?

Not all logs are eligible for reprocessing. In these cases, the log will not be selectable when choosing records to reprocess. Here are some of the reasons a log might not be eligible:

  • The record was not routed through a live graph.
  • The record's original edge no longer exists on the live graph.
  • The record was converted.
  • The record is a child log of a Hold-until or Integration node.
  • The record was routed through a business unit but business units are off.
  • The record was not routed through a business unit but business units are on.
  • The record has been deleted or merged.
  • The record is already selected in a different log.
  • The record is already reprocessing.


Reporting on Audit Logs

There are a few ways that you can incorporate Audit Logs into your reporting.


Download Audit Logs CSV

Firstly, you can download a CSV of the Audit Logs.

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The Download button will download a CSV file containing your Audit Logs with any filters applied. The Logs that are included in the CSV will reflect the filters you have applied. 

Each row will represent a single log and summarize the characteristics of that particular transaction / log, including the incoming record information, processing timestamp, previous owner, new owner, matched records, action nodes encountered, and error details.

Please note that by default, logs are only stored for 90 days. Please reach out to your LeanData representative if you would like to change that timeframe.


Salesforce Reporting on Logs Object

LeanData’s Audit Logs are stored in a Salesforce Object (API Name: LeanData__Log__c), so you can create native Salesforce reports on that Log object and include any relevant details that you would like to capture in Salesforce report, including any error details that may have been included in the Log. You can subscribe to these reports as you would any other Salesforce report.

If you would like to delete an Audit Log, you can delete the individual log records from this LeanData__Log__c object, otherwise, Audit Logs will be automatically deleted after your designated retention time, configured in the Admin > Settings > Reporting page of LeanData.


Audit Log Storage

By default, logs are only stored for 90 days. You can adjust this setting, however, please be aware that increasing the number of days you store log files incase the amount of Salesforce storage you will be using.

To change the Audit Log Retention:

  1. From the LeanData App, navigate to Admin > Settings > Reporting Tab.
  2. In the Audit Logs, Meeting Logs, & Round Robin History section, change the Retention setting to the desired number of days.
  3. Click the Save Changes button at the top in the green bar.



Questions? Please contact LeanData Support.


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