How Do I Import and Export Settings (RR Pools, Tie-Breakers, Etc.)?

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In addition to exporting FlowBuilder graphs, it is possible to export Round Robin Pools, Product Settings, and Mappings.

To Export Your LeanData Settings:

  • Log into the environment that you'd like export your settings from.
  • From the LeanData App, navigate to Admin > Settings > General Tab
  • In the Import / Export LeanData In-Product Settings section, click Export Settings.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 3.29.26 PM.png

  • Then select the specific settings that you'd like to export:

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 3.33.33 PM.png

  • After finishing your selection, clicking the Export button at the bottom of the screen will initiate a download of a file that contains your settings.


To Import your LeanData settings:

  • Log into the environment that you'd like import your settings into.
  • From the LeanData App, navigate to Admin > Settings > General Tab
  • In the Import / Export LeanData In-Product Settings section, click Import Settings.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 3.37.51 PM.png

  • Select the settings file from your computer that you had previously exported from your other instance of SFDC/LeanData.
  • Select the specific settings that you would like to import from the file.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 3.41.28 PM.png

  • Click Import, and your settings will be applied to your destination instance.

Importing/Exporting Round Robin Settings

The importing/exporting settings have been updated to include more support for Round Robin Pools:

  •  Functionality to include Round Robin Pools of different object types:
    • Leads
    • Contacts
    • Accounts
    • Opportunities
    • Caes
  • Support for importing where a pool has the same object type and name. On import:
    • The existing pool will be overwritten with the imported data
    • A screen will display the pools that will be overwritten
    • The number of inactive users before the import (after the data is uploaded)
    • The overwritten pools will use the same Object ID so all graphs will reference the imported pool so graphs will not need to be migrated.

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