Routing - Send Notification Node Guide Follow
The Send Notification Node gives you the ability to send Notifications to various users in Salesforce or by email. While all Action nodes already include the ability to send a notification when the record moves through the node, this requires some action be taken on the record in order to send the notification. Using the standalone Send Notification Node allows you to send an email or Chatter notification without having to take an action on the record first.
Example: Majid is the LeanData administrator for Lighthouse Development. In their Router graph, they use a Round Robin node to assign Leads to reps. Once the Lead is assigned to a rep, Majid adds a Send Notification Node to send an email or Chatter notification to the rep to let them know they have a new Lead to work with.
You have a number of options to configure the node.
- Node Name
- Description
- Channel Options
- Advanced Settings
Node Name
By default, the Node Name is set to Send Notification. You can change this label to anything you need. We strongly recommend giving this node a meaningful name as you may have multiple nodes with the default name of Send Notification. An example of a meaningful name is New Lead Notification.
This field is not required but we recommend adding a description to document any customizations made to the node. If someone else needs to take over the management of the graph, the description will help them to understand the goal of the customizations.
Channel Options
The Send Notification Node has 2 types of Channel options: Chatter and Email. Select the option box next to the Notification you wish to send. You can use both types of notifications at the same time if needed.
Use the Edit Recipients button to open the recipients options. You can select multiple recipients. Recipient options include:
- New Owner - This option is selected by default and will send the notification to the new record owner.
- Previous Owner - This option will send the notification to the previous owner of the record.
- Additional Recipients - This option can be used to add the Chatter notification to the routed Lead record by selecting the Routed Lead and then the Lead Id. You can also use this option to post the Chatter notification to the Lead Owner or another individual.
- Chatter User(s) - This option will send the Chatter notification to the selected Chatter User(s).
- Chatter Group(s) - This option will send the Chatter notification to the selected Chatter Group(s).
Please Note: The Recipients set are used for both Chatter and Email. The Chatter Users and Groups options will only be used if you select Chatter as a Channel option.
Additional Recipients
Use this option to send the notification to a User on the routed record, on a matched Object, or on a matched created Object.
After you select the desired recipients, and select Done, your selected recipients will be displayed in the recipients section.
Chatter Notifications
The Chatter Notification option gives you the tools to post a Chatter notification to a user or a record in Salesforce. Use the Message section to compose the Chatter Notification.
Using the Message box, you can compose your Chatter Notification. Use the Insert Variables box to pick information from the routed record, matched record, or variable to insert into the notification. With the Insert Variables pull-down you can select information about:
- The record owner
- A specific user
- The routed record
- A previously matched record
- A link to the Audit Log for the Lead
Use the Insert a User picklist to insert a Salesforce User name. In the Message box you will see the Salesforce ID for the selected user, <@0052E00000FYkQcQAL> for example.
Email Notifications
The email notifications section allows you to configure how the Send Notification Node sends email notifications. You select your recipients and then build your message. You have 2 options for creating the email notification:
- Email Template - Use the email template option to select from your existing email templates in Salesforce.
- Compose Email - Use the compose email option to build an email notification using field(s) from the Owner, Routed Record, or a link to the audit log for the routed record.
Email Template
When you select the Email Template option, you will be asked to select the desired Salesforce Template. You cannot edit the message in LeanData. You can use the View Template link to view the selected template.
Compose Email
The Compose Email option allows you to create a new email message in the node. This message supports standard HTML formatting. Use the Insert Variables dropdown to add fields from the routed record, matched record, or variable to the message.
You can insert fields from the routed record or any record related with the matched record. In addition to these fields, you can also insert a link to the audit log for this specific routing action, or to the audit log for every action performed on this record in LeanData. When selecting your field to insert, select either Audit Log Link or Full Audit Log Link to include the Audit Log URL in your message.
Use the Insert Relative Date to add the date the record was routed or a set number of days after the date the record was routed.
Please Note: Only the ID and Name fields will be hyperlinked to the associated Salesforce record. If you need to create a custom hyperlinks please contact support.
Advanced Settings
The Advanced Settings section gives you the ability to send the record to the next node of the graph as needed.
- Next Node: This option allows the record to be directed to another node in the Router graph. This can include things like Converting the Lead into a Contact, Creating an Account, etc. You can also set this node to End of Flow. This will stop all LeanData actions at this node instead of sending it to another node.
- Invalid Email Template: This option provides a fallback edge to keep the record moving through the router graph even if the email template has been deleted and the email notification cannot be sent.
Working with Edges
You can Connect nodes in one of several ways:
- Open a node and select the Target through the dropdown next to the condition or outcome you wish to assign. Use the search functionality to narrow the scope of the results. If you want Lead processing to stop at your selected node, simply select End of Flow.
Alternatively you can click the Stop Sign icon to set a particular edge to End of Flow, or click the crosshairs icon to assign that edge visually on the main flowchart graph view by clicking the node to which you would like that edge to proceed.
2. If you are already in the main flowchart graph view, you can click on the yellow triangle and
drag the edge you wish to direct to the next node to which you would like that edge to proceed.
The Send Notification Node is a great option for sending out email or Chatter notifications on a routed record without having to take an action on the record first.
For more information on working with router graphs please see our Lead Routing Guide: