Account Routing - Duplicate Account Match Node Guide Follow
The Duplicate Account (DupeA) Match Node is used to identify Accounts in your Salesforce instance that are duplicates of the routed Account. This node is specific to LeanData Account Router. Once the duplicate Account has been identified, you can route incoming Account record to a User found on the identified duplicate Account using the Route to Duplicate Account Action Node. You can also perform other actions as needed using the various Action Nodes. The Duplicate Account (DupeA) Match Node also includes filters and Tiebreakers to help you identify the best duplicate Account record if there are multiple potential duplicate Accounts.
Example: Bridgette is the LeanData admin for Lighthouse Development. In her Account Router flow, she needs to match the routed Account to any duplicate Accounts. She configures the DupeA Node, with Filters and Tiebreakers to match to the best duplicate Account. Using the Filters, she ensures that the routed Accounts are not matched to any related Accounts that have a name of "Unknown" or "Not Provided".
Each Match node includes Tiebreakers to identify the best matched record if there is more than 1 possible match. Tiebreaker rules are included in the node configuration to pick the best match when LeanData finds multiple duplicate Accounts. These Tiebreakers function just like the Tiebreakers in other match nodes. The Tiebreakers in the node are local only to the node. Any changes made to the node’s Tiebreakers do not affect Tiebreakers in other match nodes.
You have a number of options to configure the node.
- Node Name
- Description
- Filter Duplicate Accounts
- Prioritize Duplicate Accounts
- Advanced Settings
Node Name
By default, the Node Name is set to Match Node. You can change this label to anything you need. We strongly recommend giving this node a meaningful name such as the goal of the Match Node or simply Duplicate Account Exists. This will help others understand the purpose of the node.
This field is not required but we recommend adding a description to document any customizations made to the node. If someone else needs to take over the management of the flow, the description will help them to understand the goal of the customizations.
Filter Duplicate Accounts
Use Filters to include or exclude duplicate Accounts from matching to the routed Account record. In our example, we are excluding duplicate Account that have an Account Name of "Unknown", "Not Provided", or "N/A". This ensures that we will not match the routed Account record to a duplicate Account record with those names.
The Value/Field selector lets you choose between filtering for a value in a field on the duplicate Account record and/or comparing a field on the duplicate Account record with a field on the routed Account record.
When using Value, you are looking for a specific value in a field on the duplicate Account record. For example, if you wanted to only include duplicate Accounts that have an Annual Revenue greater than zero, you could select the "Annual Revenue" field, set the Operator to "Greater Than", and enter "0" in the Value box.
When using Field, you are comparing the value of a field on the duplicate Account record with a field on the routed Account record. For example, if your goal is to compare the Account Name on the duplicate Account to the Account Name on the routed Account record, you would change the selector to Field, set the Duplicate Account Field to "Account Name", set the Operator to "Equals", and then set the Account field to "Account Name". When you change the selector to Field, the label for the Value entry box will change to Account Field.
For each condition you add, you will see:
- Field: The Field selector will give you a list of all the fields on the duplicate Account record that you are filtering.
- Operator: The Operator gives you a condition to apply to the field for the decision. (Example: Contains, does not contain, starts with, is null, etc). The values in the Operator selection change depending on the field selected.
- Value/Field: The Value is the value you are evaluating against in your selected field. This is typically a pull-down menu of possible values. If you select Field for Value/Field, you will see Account Field as the label and the field will be a pull-down of fields on the routed Account record.
You can add as many conditions as needed to create the desired Filters.
Working with Multiple Conditions
When you edit or add rules, you can have multiple conditions. When you have a rule with multiple conditions you are given the option to specify the relationship between the conditions. By default, you will see an AND relationship. You can change this to OR as needed. You can also use parentheses to group conditions together such as ((1 AND 2) OR 3).
In the example above, we use an AND relationship because we are looking to include only duplicate Accounts that have the same Account Name AND also have an Annual Revenue greater than zero.
Exclude Matched Accounts with Inactive Owners
This option, when checked, will prevent LeanData from matching to duplicate Accounts with inactive owners.
Prioritize Duplicate Accounts
In the Prioritize Duplicate Accounts section you will see a list of rules called Tiebreakers. These rules are applied after filters if there are multiple duplicate Accounts that can match to the routed Account record. Tiebreaker rules are processed from the top down and are used to narrow the pool of possible duplicate Account matches down to the best match. The node will check each rule, one at a time, from top to bottom, until only one remaining potential duplicate Account remains. This duplicate Account will be matched to the routed Account. The Duplicate Account (DupeA) Match Node node includes a set of default Tiebreaker rules. You have the following options to modify the Tiebreakers:
- Edit the existing rules
- Add/remove rules
- Change the order of the rules
Editing a Rule
To edit a rule, simply click in the rule to open it for editing. You will see the same options as in the Filters. In the screenshot above you would click on the green highlighted text to open the rule for editing. Typically, the Operator and the rule logic value (AND, OR) are highlighted and can be clicked to edit the rule.
Adding a Rule
If you choose to add a custom Tie-Breaker Prioritization Rule, click New Rule. There are three rule types; LOGIC, SOQL, MIN MAX.
LOGIC - When configuring a new logic rule, you can use a Field or Field Value from the matched account level. This works the same as adding Filters
SOQL - You can use a SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) string here. More Info
MIN MAX - The field you are choosing is the account level field. Set the Operator to either Min or Max. Min meaning the lowest possible value and max being the highest. For Date and Time fields, Min equals the oldest date and Max equals the newest date. When applied to time MIN is the oldest time and MAX is the most recent or further into the future.
For example, Mel the LeanData Admin wants to build a tiebreaker rule that will look for the Account with the Min (oldest) created Date. She sets the Account Created Date to MIN to ensure the tiebreaker looks for the oldest account that matches.
Advanced Settings
Under Advanced Settings there are options for setting the targets for the node edges.
Node Edges
There are 3 exit edges from a Match Node. Under the Advanced settings you can select a target node for each of the edges for what you would like LeanData to do in each of these scenarios.
Match: LeanData has identified a best match based on the algorithm, after applying your Tiebreakers and Filters.
No Match: LeanData has not identified a match, after considering your Filters.
Multiple Matches Identified: If LeanData has more than one match remaining after your Filters, and you would like to take a different action than identify one best match, you can direct this edge to your desired action. This option is disabled by default. Upon enabling, you will also have to remove any Min/Max tiebreakers.
Working with Edges
You can Connect nodes in one of several ways:
- Open a node and select the Target through the dropdown next to the condition or outcome you wish to assign. Use the search functionality to narrow the scope of the results. If you want Lead processing to stop at your selected node, simply select End of Flow.
Alternatively you can click the Stop Sign icon to set a particular edge to End of Flow, or click the crosshairs icon to assign that edge visually on the main flowchart graph view by clicking the node to which you would like that edge to proceed.
- If you are already in the main flowchart graph view, you can click on the yellow triangle and drag the edge you wish to direct to the next node to which you would like that edge to proceed.
The Duplicate Account (DupeA) Match Node is used to identify Accounts in your Salesforce instance that are duplicates of the routed Account. This node is specific to LeanData Account Router. Once the duplicate Account has been identified, you can use the Route to Duplicate Account Node to assign the Account to a User on the Duplicate Account or use other Action Nodes as needed.
For more information on working with Account Router flows please see our Account Routing Guide: