Step 2: LeanData Basics Follow
- Step 1: Getting to Know LeanData
- Step 2: LeanData Basics
- Step 3: LeanData Routing
- Step 4: Advanced LeanData Routing
- Step 5: Troubleshooting LeanData
In Step 2 we will explore the features and tools in LeanData. Specifically we will be going over:
- Learning the LeanData Interface
- Understanding Matching
- Understanding and Implementing Tagging
- Using List Analyzer
Learning the LeanData Interface
When you went through the install you should have been given an option to add the LeanData App to your Salesforce Tabs. If you or any of your users do not see the tab please review this article:
Why Can't I see the LeanData Tab in Salesforce?
Let's explore the interface with this guide: Learning the LeanData Interface
Understanding Matching
Matching is the engine that drives LeanData. Understanding how it can help you is crucial to using LeanData. If you didn't have a chance to watch the Matching Overview Video please do so now.
Video: The LeanData Matching Algorithm. A 10 minute overview on how the algorithm works.
Setting up the View will enable your users to see the results of Matching right on their Lead records. The following guides will walk you through setting up the View for your users:
- View Product Overview - Learn all about how the View can benefit you in this helpful product overview.
- View Setup Instructions - This guide will walk you through the installation of the LeanData View to display matched leads within accounts, matched accounts within leads, and duplicate leads and contacts.
- LeanData View Settings Guide - This guide describes the tools and options for configuring the LeanData View Product.
Understanding and Implementing Tagging
LeanData's Tagging tool is a great way to add some automation into your leads. With Tagging, LeanData will help you not only find the best match between Leads and Accounts, but it can also update the Leads with information from the matched accounts. Tagging gives you tools to automatically add account based information to a lead in SFDC so that you can quickly access account information, run Lead reports with account information, and better segmentment campaigns and marketing automation.
We will start with the Tagging Overview Guide, where we will learn to set up Tagging Fields, utilize Tie-Breakers, and discover the other features available.
Next we will look at the Mapped Account Fields Guide to learn about mapping fields from the Account record to the Lead record so LeanData knows when to put the tagged account information on the Lead.
In addition to the continuous tagging we've been exploring, there is a tool called One-Time Tagging that can be used to initiate bulk on-demand tagging. This is useful when you want to retag your database because you have overhauled your tagging settings.
Using List Analyzer
The List Analyzer tool is a great way to examine lists of leads and compare them to the results already in your SFDC Organization without uploading any records into SFDC.
One use case is analyzing lists from trade shows or other events. Tradeshows and other events are great sources of leads. The only downside is that you may be inadvertently upload a huge number of duplicates that may need to be resolved. Using List Analyzer will let you identify the duplicates without uploading them into SFDC.
Another use case comes into play, if your Marketing team decides to buy lists of contacts/leads from list vendors. You can get sample lists from them and compare them to the leads/contacts already in your system without uploading them into SFDC. Read more here: List Analyzer Overview
In Step 3 LeanData Routing, we will go over setting up LeanData's Lead Routing.