Step 1: Getting to Know LeanData Follow
- Step 1: Getting to Know LeanData
- Step 2: LeanData Basics
- Step 3: LeanData Routing
- Step 4: Advanced LeanData Routing
- Step 5: Troubleshooting LeanData
Let's start by finding out what exactly does LeanData do and how can its products help you. The following guide will provide an overview of LeanData's products and how we can help you:
The next step is setup up a dev environment with Salesforce to have a place to practice on.
- Access the following link:
- Fill in all details, using a valid Email.
- An Email will b sent to your Email Address.
- Now click the link provided in Email.
- Set your password to your account.
- Now you are able to login with salesforce developer account.
- Go to
- Enter your Username and Password click on LogIn. You are in your new dev org.
Now, let's setup LeanData in your sandbox. The following guide will help you install the LeanData Managed Application.
Once your managed app is installed we can adding LeanData features. Let's start Matching and the View. This video describes how our matching algorithm finds matches between your Leads and accounts.
Video: The LeanData Matching Algorithm. A 10 minute overview on how the algorithm works.
In Step 2 LeanData Basics, we will go over setting up Matching and the View and other LeanData tools..