Outreach Add / Remove from Sequence Node Follow
- Overview
- Setting up LeanData-Outreach Integration
- Prerequisites
- Steps to Implement
- Outreach Sequence & Mailbox Setup
- Add to Sequence Node in FlowBuilder
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Appendix
Customers who utilize both LeanData and Outreach can initiate Outreach actions within LeanData’s FlowBuilder interface.
- Add Prospect to Sequence in Outreach
- Select Mailbox for automated emails
- Remove Prospect from Sequences in Outreach
Setting up LeanData-Outreach Integration
Before you are able to use these FlowBuilder Nodes, you will have to connect and enable the LeanData-Outreach Integration according to the steps outlined in the LeanData - Outreach FlowBuilder Integration Guide.
Add to Sequence Node in FlowBuilder
You can add an Add to Sequence Action Node from the Integrations > Sales Engagement > Outreach Section in the FlowBuilder interface.
Within the Add to Sequence Node, there are a few configurable options.
Sequence Assignment: You can select any Public Sequence (any Sequence marked as Others can see it and use it) from Outreach. If you create Outreach Sequences while you are in a LeanData session, you can refresh the Sequences to update the list.
Mailbox for Email Delivery: This designates the user mailbox “sending” automated emails in Sequences. The “From:” field will display the Outreach user’s default mailbox email address in the automated emails.
- Lead or Contact Owner: this will set the Salesforce record owner as the sender in emails. Ensure that all potential Salesforce record owners have Outreach user accounts and Mailboxes enabled.
- V1 of this integration does not accommodate Queues as Salesforce record owners
- User Field on Lead or Contact: this will set the Salesforce user populated in the designated Salesforce User field as the sender in emails.
- To set the sender as the Outreach Prospect Owner, map the Owner field in Outreach to the Owner field in Salesforce. Visit Settings > Plugins > Salesforce > Lead and Contact > Fields > Map Prospect “Owner” to a Salesforce field on the Lead and Contact > Check “Updates Out.”
- Specific User: this will display a list of all Outreach Users with Mailbox Send and Sync enabled. If you create or enable Send / Sync for new Outreach users while you are in a LeanData session, refresh to update the list of available user mailboxes.
- Convert Lead + “Add to Sequence” Behavior: When a Lead is successfully converted to a Contact, LeanData will add the related Contact to the designated Sequence.
- If utilizing the Convert Lead node, ensure the mapping of Salesforce fields to Outreach fields in LeanData Partner settings is complete for Contacts.
- “Merge Dupe” + “Add to Sequence” Behavior: LeanData will NOT add the Prospect to a Sequence if a “Merge Dupe” node is in the same path as the “Add to Sequence” Node.
Node Placement & Edge Options
Node Placement: Depending on sync direction, different triggers or conditions should be utilized with the “Add to Sequence” node.
- Salesforce > Outreach: If your sync settings are set up where Leads or Contacts are created in Salesforce then synced over to Outreach, use the “Updated Lead / Contact” trigger node or condition of “Outreach Prospect ID” as has changed / is not null.
- Outreach > Salesforce: If your sync settings are set up where Prospects are created in Outreach then synced over to Salesforce, use the “New Lead / Contact” trigger node or the condition of “Outreach Prospect ID” is not null.
- Salesforce <> Outreach: If bi-directional sync is on, then configure using both of the options above.
Edge Options: Users have the ability to choose the next node LeanData should move onto if there’s one of the below errors
- Configuration Error: the authorization for Outreach is invalid
- Missing Prospect ID: the Outreach ID is missing on the Lead or Contact
- Missing User ID: the Outreach ID is missing on the User (the user for mailbox selection)
- Queue Owner: the record is Queue-owned and the mailbox selected is the Lead / Contact Owner
Remove from Sequence Node in FlowBuilder
In addition to Adding Prospects to Sequences in Outreach, you can also remove Prospects from Sequences using the Remove from Sequence Action Node. Before using this node, you will have to follow a few setup steps.
Pre-Setup for Remove From Sequence
Create Salesforce Field
You will first have to create a custom Salesforce field on your Lead/Contacts which LeanData will trigger in order to remove a prospect from a sequence:
- Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Object Manager > Lead (or Contact) > Fields & Relationships > New.
- Select the Checkbox field Type. Click Next.
- Enter a Field Label and Field Name. You may use whatever you wish but recommend something you can easily identify for its purpose like "Outreach Stop Sequence". Description and Help Text are optional. Click Next.
- On the next screens, select your desired field level security and desired page layouts, then click Save.
- Repeat this process for the Contact Object if you plan on using this in Contact Router.
Create & Map Outreach Field
You will then need to map this new Salesforce field to a new Outreach field to be bi-directionally synced with Salesforce. Please follow the field mapping instructions from the Outreach article How to Map a Field in Outreach.
Configure Outreach Trigger to Stop Sequence
From Outreach, create a trigger based on the custom field on the Prospect being updated to True.
Select your Target to be the Prospect.
This Trigger should initiate two Trigger Actions: Stop Sequences and Set Field. Configure the Trigger Actions to mark the Prospect as Finished in All Sequences, and also to mark your Outreach Stop Sequence field as False (to reset the field).
For more information on Outreach Triggers, please see the Outreach help article: How to Create an Outreach Trigger.
Configuring the Remove from Sequence Node
From within Lead or Contact FlowBuilder, drag a Remove From Sequence Node onto your graph. You can find this from the Node Bar Under Integrations > Sales Engagement > Outreach.
Within the Remove From Sequence Node, there are a few configurable options:
Update Lead/Contact Field
Within the Update Lead/Contact Field section you will want to select the custom Salesforce field you previously created in Salesforce and mapped for stopping Outreach Sequences: Outreach Stop Sequence. For the value, select True.
Email Notifications
You can configure email notifications to be sent in the case of a successful update or a failure.
Advanced Settings
The only fallback edge is Next Node, which will allow you to direct the Lead / Contact to additional nodes after updating the field which removes a Prospect from a sequence.
Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Audit Logs
Outreach actions are included in LeanData Audit Logs
In some cases, LeanData cannot perform the requested actions in Outreach.
Audit Log Filters: You can filter your Audit logs by the Outcome of the Outreach action, specifically: Outreach - Success (Outreach), Pending (Outreach), Error (Outreach). Note that the Error (Fallback) Outcome filter will not show any Outreach Fallback errors at this time.
Pending (Outreach): If LeanData cannot perform the requested action in Outreach, we will try again after the amount of time set in your Partner App settings. At that point of time, the record will be set to “Pending” in the Audit Logs. Records will remain in the “Pending” state until ultimate failure or success.
Error (Outreach): After six retries, LeanData will mark the records as an error for the Outreach portion of the Path in the Audit Logs.
- Both Pending records and Error records will display the audit trail of each attempt to complete the action.
- If LeanData follows an edge (ex: Queue Owner), it will mark the node in the Path as an Error and will not show an error message in the Outcome column
- If LeanData cannot perform the requested action because of misconfigured settings (ex: incorrect field mapping on the LeanData set up for Outreach) or unexpected issues, we will revert back any changes made on the record in the path.
- If LeanData cannot perform the requested action because of a callout error, only the action of adding a Prospect to a Sequence will fail.