LeanData Flowbuilder - Salesloft Integration Troubleshooting Guide

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This article is designed to help you review and resolve issues with the Flowbuilder - Salesloft integration.


Stage Problem Details Solution
Node Error created when a Lead enters the Salesloft node in a Lead router graph

Occurs when a Lead is routed to someone that does not yet exist in Salesforce

"Error: person id no person with crm id found"

Option 1. Confirm Automation rules to create new record are complete (Salesloft Document)

Option 2. Sync Salesforce and Salesloft timing via a set-up

Option 3. Increase the number of minutes before retrying

Node Unable to load cadence in Node

Occurs when trying to select a specific cadance in the node

Option 1. Confirm that the specific cadence is set to Team Cadence and Public

Option 2. Check to see if the cadence has any missing criteria

Option 3. Re-load the authorization key and client secret

Option 4. Contact Salesloft support for further help. 


The attachment is Salesloft's Automation Rules Guide.

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