LeanData-Groove - Add to Flow Node Guide Follow
- Overview
- Setting up LeanData-Groove Integration
- Prerequisites
- Steps to Implement
- Create Custom Field in Salesforce
- Set up Salesforce Flows with Groove Real-Time Auto Import
- Configure Groove Add to Flow Node in Lead / Contact Router
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Audit Logs
Joint Groove and LeanData users can now orchestrate relevant engagements at exactly the right time. With simple one-time set up steps and drag-and-drop nodes, revenue teams can instantly route, assign, and segment records to the right rep using LeanData and then import those orchestrated records into Groove Flows all in one place.
Setting up LeanData-Groove Integration
- Joint Customer of LeanData and Groove
- Advanced or Premium Package with LeanData Router
Steps to Implement
- Create Custom Field in Salesforce.
- Set up Salesforce Flows with Groove Real-Time Auto Import feature.
- Add and configure the Groove Add to Flow Node in Lead / Contact Router.
Create Custom Field in Salesforce
You will need to create and designate a field for LeanData to populate in order to trigger Groove's Real-Time Auto Import Feature. If you are already using this feature within Groove, you can use whichever field you have designated to initiate Real-Time Auto Import with Salesforce Flows (For Existing Leads/Contacts).
- Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Object Manager > Lead / Contact > Fields & Relationships > New.
- Select your desired field type. Any updatable field type works, but a text field provides flexibility to use the same field to specify different Groove Flows. Click Next.
- Enter a Field Label and Field Name. You may use whatever you wish but recommend something you can easily identify for its purpose like "LeanData Add to Groove". Description and Help Text are optional. Click Next.
- On the next screens, select your desired field level security and desired page layouts, then click Save.
Set up Salesforce Flows with Groove Real-Time Auto Import
Next, you will need to set up Salesforce Flows to utilize Groove's Real-Time Auto Import feature. Please follow the steps outlined in Groove's Automatically Import People Into Your Flows Help Article.
Please utilize the custom Salesforce field you created in the above steps to initiate the Salesforce Flow for existing Leads / Contacts.
Please Note: LeanData's Add to Flow Node works by triggering Groove's Real-Time Auto Import process. If you have not set up Real-Time Auto Import between Salesforce and Groove, LeanData's Add to Flow Node will not add the Lead / Contact to a Groove Flow.
Configure Groove Add to Flow Node in Lead / Contact Router
Once the above steps have been completed, you can utilize the Groove Add to Flow Node from either Lead or Contact Router.
This node can be found under Integrations > Sales Engagement > Groove in the Node Bar.
Within the Add to Flow Node, there are a few configurable options.
Update Lead/Contact Field
Within the Update Lead/Contact Field section you will want to select the custom Salesforce field you created, and then enter the value which will trigger the Salesforce Flow you set up as part of Groove's Real-Time Auto Import. Please ensure the value here corresponds to the value that will trigger the Salesforce Flow for the Real-Time Auto Import for the specific Groove Flow you want.
Email Notifications
You can configure email notifications to be sent in the case of a successful update or a failure.
Advanced Settings
The only fallback edge is Next Node, which will allow you to direct the Lead / Contact to additional nodes after updating the field which triggers Groove Add to Flow.
Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Audit Logs
Groove Add to Flow actions are included in LeanData Audit Logs:
For additional questions please contact LeanData Support.