BookIt for Forms - Webform Setup Troubleshooting Guide

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The following guide will outline common issues and errors that occur when setting up BookIt for Forms with your webforms as well as potential solutions and/or what info may be helpful to bring to LeanData's customer support team for an expedited resolution.



Unable to Link and/or Update Lead/Contact Owner

One of the most common issues that occurs during implementation of BookIt for Forms is the following error that appears in your audit logs.

One of the key functions of LeanData's BookIt for Forms code snippets is to insert a randomly generated unique log ID into a hidden field on your form. This unique log ID should be passed along to your marketing automation and eventually as a field on the Lead/Contac generated or updated from each form submission.

This unique log ID allows LeanData to associate each BookIt submission with the Lead/Contact that gets created via your marketing automation so that it can be linked in your BookIt audit logs and an Event created on the Lead/Contact if a meeting gets booked.

LeanData will read the value from the Lead/Contact field specified in the Log ID Link setting under BookIt -> Settings -> BookIt for Forms to make this association.

If a Lead/Contact comes into Salesforce within one hour with the unique log ID on the field specified in the setting above, LeanData will link the BookIt submission to that Lead/Contact. Otherwise, you will see the error mentioned above.

In the hour leading up to the Lead/Contact creation in Salesforce, you will see the following temporary message on your audit logs. After an hour passes without successfully finding the Lead/Contact, this will turn into the error message shown above.

This error can be difficult to troubleshoot at times as there are many potential causes. Below are some of the most common

  • There is no hidden field on your form set up to ingest LeanData's unique log ID on page load and/or the hidden field name is not specified properly in the code snippet. Please read through the webform setup instructions or instructions provided by LeanData's professional services team for more information on how to get this set up.
  • For some other reason than what is specified in the bullet point above, the code snippet is unsuccessfully populating a value in the hidden field set up to ingest LeanData's unique log ID on page load. If this is the case, please reach out to LeanData support for necessary code snippet adjustments.
  • Your marketing automation does not have a two-way sync set up for the field meant to hold the unique log ID. This is required to ensure that the unique log ID ends up on created Leads/Contacts in Salesforce so that LeanData can recognize it.
  • The Log ID Link setting under BookIt -> Settings -> BookIt for Forms has not been filled out.
  • Your marketing automation takes longer than 1 hour to sync to Salesforce. If this is the case, you will need to ensure that the sync takes less than 1 hour.


BookIt Modal Does Not Appear upon Form Submission

If you have already added the proper BookIt code snippets following LeanData's webform setup instructions and nothing associated with BookIt appears at all and no audit logs are being generated, please reach out to LeanData's support team with any errors you see in the console on your webpage. This will help to narrow down any compilation errors in the code snippets.

If you are using Google Tag Manager, please see the Google Tag Manager Compatibility section below for more ideas.


All Submissions Show the “No Calendar” Confirmation Screen

Above is the generic screen that appears to prospects who aren’t presented with a calendar after form submission. This can happen if everything is working properly and the form inputs entered by the prospect hit logic in your BookIt graph to decide not to present the prospect with a calendar. However, this can also happen if there are BookIt setup errors.

If all BookIt submissions result in the above screen appearing, even with form inputs that you would expect to hit logic in your BookIt graph that results in a schedule node, please check your audit logs to see if entries are making it to LeanData. 

If you are not seeing entries hit audit logs, please check if there are any BookIt related errors appearing in your console upon form submission. If this is the case please reach out to LeanData support with screenshots of these errors. 

It is also possible that you may not have a live deployed graph for BookIt for Forms in LeanData. Please make sure that this is not the case and that you do have a deployed graph.

If you are seeing entries hit audit logs, please reach out to LeanData support with troubleshooting steps you’ve taken so far.


Google Tag Manager Compatibility

Outlined below are some common issues that can occur if using Google Tag Manager to import the proper BookIt for Forms code snippets on your webpage.

Incompatible with ES6

Google Tag Manager can be incompatible with ES6 JavaScript code, in which case it will throw an error when attempting to save LeanData code snippets.

If you see any “JavaScript Compiler Errors” related to this, please take the following steps for each LeanData provided code snippet:

  1. Remove the <script> and </script> tags at the top and bottom of the code snippet
  2. Copy everything else into the ES6 code box in this tool and click Convert.
  3. Copy everything except for "use strict"; and add back the <script> and </script> tags at the top and bottom. This will be the updated code snippet you can use.

Some Prospects Are Not Triggering BookIt

If you are using Google Tag Manager and notice that some prospects are not being presented a calendar, not hitting BookIt for Forms audit logs, and do not have a value in your BookIt unique log ID field, this is likely due to Google Tag Manager’s incompatibility with various AdBlockers. 

Unfortunately, there is nothing LeanData can do to correct this. For this reason, it is  recommended to directly embed the code snippets on your webpage over using Google Tag Manager to import them when possible.

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