How is LeanData Tagging Triggered

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LeanData Tagging, is used updating fields on a matched Lead record with data from the Account record. Tagging will enable better reporting in Salesforce because you will be able to filter on previously unavailable criteria. You will also be able to report on all Leads related to a specific Account. Tagging will continuously monitor the Lead and Account records. If something changes on the Account record, Tagging will update the Lead.

LeanData Tagging can be triggered from the following scenarios:

  • A new Lead is created.
  • A new Account is created.
  • One of LeanData’s five fuzzy matching algorithm fields (Company Name, Email Domain, Website, Address, Phone Number) is changed on a Lead or Account
  • The value in an Account field value that is referenced in LeanData's Mapped Account Fields is changed on a record.
    • You can view these fields in the LeanData Dashboard. Click on Matching and then select Advanced Settings and then Mapped Account Fields.
      • NOTE: this means that the value in one of these fields on an actual Account record is changed. Changing the Mappings themselves will not trigger Tagging.
  • The value in a field that is referenced in LeanData’s Tagging Tiebreakers is changed on a record.
    • NOTE: this means that the value in one of these fields on an actual Lead or Account record is changed. Changing the Tiebreaker rules themselves will not trigger Tagging.


Formula Fields

LeanData does not have the ability to trigger tagging, off of the value in a formula field being updated. The formula field stores the formula and displays the results of the formula to the user but the value of the results is not stored. The best practice for triggering off a formula field is to write the output of the formula into another field and trigger tagging off of the second field.



For more information on LeanData Tagging, you can download our guide:




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