Matching - Domain Matching Operators Follow
When using website or email fields in your matching Filters and Tiebreakers or Decision Nodes, sometimes you will want to look for an exact match and sometimes you want to utilize a fuzzy match. Furthermore, sometimes you may want to look at the domains that are associated with a record from both the website and the email domain, but there is no single field that captures both. LeanData's special domain operators allow you to customize how you want to utilize domains for your matching filters and tiebreakers and your Routing.
Where to Use Domain Operators
Tagging Filters and Tiebreakers
Domain operators can be utilized in your Tagging Settings, as you configure your Filters and Tiebreakers. Tagging Settings can be found from the LeanData Dashboard > Matching > Tagging Settings > Tiebreakers.
FlowBuilder Match Node Filters and Tiebreakers
Domain operators are also available within the Filters and Tiebreakers sections of any Match Nodes that reference Leads, Contact, or Account fields. This includes any objects that are related to Leads, Contacts, or Accounts via a lookup relationship.
FlowBuilder Decision Nodes
Domain operators are also available within Decision Nodes as a way to make routing decisions based on whether domains match according to your operators
FlowBuilder Trigger Nodes
Domain operators are also available within Trigger Nodes within Lead, Contact, or Account Router.
Note: Within Trigger Nodes, domain fuzzy matches & domain does not fuzzy match are not available.
Eligible Domain Fields
Standard Fields
Domain operators are not available for all fields.
For Leads and Contacts, the standard Email and Website fields will accept the domain operators.
For Accounts the standard Website field will accept the domain operators.
Special Domain Fields
In addition to the standard Email and Website fields, there are also other special domain fields you can use that will accept the domain operators.
Lead and Contact Fields
Website and Email - this special field will take domains from BOTH the standard Website field and the standard Email field and use them in your criteria.
Account Fields
Email Domains - this field will look at the email addresses of the Contacts that are associated with the Account and include any relevant domains.
Website and Email Domains - this field will take domains from Both the standard website field and any relevant domains from the email addresses of the Contacts associated with the Account.
Custom Fields
Salesforce fields that have a URL Field Type or Email Field Type will also accept these domain operators.
Domain Operators
When you select one of the eligible domain fields above you will see the following domain operators available.
Fuzzy Domain Match Operators
Domain Fuzzy Matches - this will look for fuzzy domain matches for selected domain field(s). With this operator, matches will include company domain synonyms ( =, acquisition relationships ( =, and parent-child relationships ( =
Domain Does Not Fuzzy Match - this will look for nonmatches between the selected domain field(s). Domains that are not related to one another in any way will be considered nonmatches. ( ≠
Exact Domain Match Operators
Domain Exact Matches - this will look for exact domain matches between the selected domain field(s). Only the exact domain will be considered a match. ( =
Domain Does Not Exact Match - this will look for nonmatches between the selected domain field(s). Domains that might be considered a fuzzy match would not be considered an exact match. ( ≠
Public Domain Operators
The following Public Domain operators are only available for email fields.
Is Public Domain - this will look for domains that are considered public or bulk email domains (,,, etc). This is not a published list and will often be updated to include additional domains. LeanData will not provide a list of these domains.
Is Not Public Domain - this will look for domains that are not considered public domains (NOT, NOT, NOT, etc). LeanData will not provide a list of these domains.
Note: Blank email fields are NOT considered public domains, so please configure your conditions accordingly.
If you have any additional questions, please contact LeanData Support.